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Individuals with serious mental illness (SMI) have an elevated risk of developing cardiovascular disease (CVD). The use of psychotropic medications for management of mental illness have been linked to weight gain and metabolic cardiovascular consequences. This compounded with an increased prevalence of modifiable risk factors in patients diagnosed with SMI may be responsible for progression of CVD. Pharmacists are in a unique position to make interventions, given their expertise in medications across the spectrum of disease-state management, as well as their access to prescribers of all specialties. Within this workshop, psychiatric pharmacists will be able to take what they know about psychotropics and their role in CVD and apply it to practice in order to more fully manage patients with comorbid CVD and SMI.

Workshop Goals

The Hands-on Approach to Cardiovascular Disease Risk Management for People Living with Mental Illness workshop scheduled for Sunday, April 24, 2022 from 8:00am-11:15am in San Antonio, Texas is designed to provide attendees with didactic and hands-on style learning. Evaluation and discussion of three patient cases will be facilitated by our speakers. Participation in this workshop will enable the psychiatric pharmacist to be able to:

  • Review key recommendations from essential guidelines for the management of common CVDs
  • Apply various risk assessment tools to determine which patients require intervention
  • Describe current pharmacologic approaches for the management of CVD in a patient with mental illness
  • Identify strategies to achieve optimal outcomes in patients with CVD and mental illness
  • Select an appropriate monitoring plan for a patient with CVD to determine if treatment goals are being met

Case-Based Learning of Valuable Content 

Drs. Anderson and Marrs will discuss key guidelines as well as assessment tools commonly used. Standard treatment approaches and clinical pearls will be discussed in-depth while optimization of treatment and ongoing monitoring will round out the didactics portion. Throughout the workshop, three different cases will be interspersed and aligned with the content. These case vignettes offer the opportunity for hands-on, small-group work and larger-group reporting providing the added benefit of peer-to-peer learning. Lastly, the workshop will allow time for a question and answer session with our very knowledgeable speakers.


Sarah L. Anderson, PharmD, BCACP, BCPS, FASHP, FCCP

Dr. Anderson is a Scientific Director at Clinical Care Options (CCO), a division of Clinical Education Alliance. In her role, Dr. Anderson is responsible for development of live and online medical education programs, including national and international faculty management, content creation, content editing, content preparation for online and print production, and assisting in development of marketing materials. Dr. Anderson is highly involved in ASHP, ACCP, and the Colorado Pharmacists Society.


Dr. Marrs is an Ambulatory Clinical Coordinator with Billings Clinic. In his role, Dr. Marrs is responsible for leading a team of ambulatory clinical pharmacists in primary care (Family/Internal Medicine) and specialty care (Cardiology, Neurology, Oncology, and Pediatrics). He works with the team in developing, refining, and reporting on clinical and financial metrics and justifying clinical pharmacy services. Further he continues to support his team with training pharmacy students and residents in the ambulatory setting. Dr. Marrs is a fellow of the AHA, ACCP, ASHP, and NLA and continues to be highly involved in all these organizations.


Interested patrons can register here. Registration options include:

  Members Non-Members
Pre-Meeting Workshop $140 $160
In-Person Full Registration $600 $855
Bundle of Both (through 2021) $700 $975
That’s a savings of $40! Purchase registration by the end of 2021 to benefit from this great deal!


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