The Judith J. Saklad Memorial Award

The Saklad Application Window is Open Through 9/30/24-Submission Instructions Below

Judith J. Saklad, Pharm.D.The Judith J. Saklad Memorial Award celebrates the life and work of the late Judith J. Saklad. Dr. Saklad was Clinical Pharmacologist and Clinical Coordinator of Pharmaceutical Services at San Antonio State School and Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmacology at The University of Texas at Austin and the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. She was a founding member of CPNP/AAPP and nationally recognized as an innovator of pharmaceutical care to children and adults with serious mental disorders, developmental disabilities, and mental retardation.

This award is to be presented annually to a senior psychiatric pharmacy practitioner who has achieved a level of professional distinction and demonstrates a continuing dedication to the practice of psychiatric pharmacy. Like Dr. Saklad, this practitioner will represent the qualities and ideals of professional enthusiasm, in addition to possessing a passion for optimizing patient care.


MHC Awards and Recognition

We have created the MHC Editors' Choice Award for Outstanding Articles to recognize some of the best articles over time. Also, to recognize our most prolific peer reviewers, we are establishing 2 designations based on the number of reviews submitted since January 1, 2015. Attaining these designations means that the review quality and timeliness justified repeated use and that the reviewer was willing to invest the time when invited. Learn more about these awards and recognitions.

Research and Practice Awards

Research and Practice Awards are awarded at each AAPP Annual Meeting held in the spring. Information on submission deadlines and the abstract center will be hosted on the Annual Meeting webpages. Submission dates are generally mid-January of each year.

Available Research and Practice Awards

Research Trainee Award: Qualified abstracts include Work in Progress and Original Research. Interim data analysis is required and the first author must be a student, resident, fellow, or within 12 months of completion of training.

Original Research: Abstracts should describe original research in therapeutics, pharmacodynamics, pharmacoeconomics, outcomes, drug utilization, kinetics, genetics and academic pursuits. Abstracts must not have been published in abstract form nor presented as a poster elsewhere before the AAPP 2024 Meeting.

Innovative Practices Award: Abstracts describing the development, justification, documentation, and/or delivery of innovative services or activities applicable to psychiatric and neurologic pharmacy. The descriptive abstract should not duplicate any other poster category and should describe the development of innovative services/activities and should provide background/rationale, a description of the innovative service, the impact on patient care/institution and a conclusion.

Therapeutic Case Report Award: Abstracts describing the various aspects of pharmaceutical care relating to individual psychiatric and/or neurological pharmacy cases. Abstracts should provide a complete patient history including age, gender, time from first diagnosis, social background, and details of, and response to, previous and current treatment(s). Cases should include background, complete patient history, review of literature, and conclusion.

AAPP Foundation Strategic Goals Award: Abstracts that addresses stigma associated with psychiatric disorders or enhances the role of pharmacists in mental health prevention or care.

Awardee Benefits

  • $500 honorarium
  • Recognition/announcement at the AAPP Annual Meeting
  • Post-meeting press release announcements
  • Historical recognition on the AAPP website
  • Recognition as an award finalist in the Mental Health Clinician