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CPNP is pleased to report continued growth in the profession with only 3 unfilled PGY2 psychiatric pharmacy residency slots unfilled in 2020 and 1239 BCPPs. In the last ten years, the number of PGY2 programs has tripled and the number of BCPPs has almost doubled.

PGY2 Psychiatry Residencies and Profession Growth


PGY2 Available

PGY2 Unfilled*

PGY2 Filled*


CPNP Pharmacist Members

2011 31 5 26 647 925
2012 31 7 24 713 963
2013 50 13 37 762 1,021
2014 64 14 50 799 1,100
2015 73 19 53 845 1,180
2016 80 5 75 878 1,259
2017 98 20 76 955 1,322
2018 97 2 95 1,069 1,404
2019 97 6 89 1,239 1,474
2020 98 3 93 1,239** 1,407
* Does not reflect slots filled post-scramble. Filled+Unfilled may be less than the total available if a program was removed from Phase II and is no longer being offered.
**2020 BPS testing window has not closed, no results available. 

Congratulations to New BCPPs

CPNP congratulates the following individuals who were successful in obtaining the BCPP designation in 2019. The majority of these successful candidates purchased CPNP's BCPP Examination Preparatory products: the Psychiatric Pharmacotherapy Review Course and/or the BCPP Prep Series designed as preparatory tools for the BCPP examination. There are now over 1200 individuals who are credentialed as Board Certified Psychiatric Pharmacists.

Lisa Adamich Zachary Hill Jennifer Pokrass
Erika Alexander Stephanie Houser Luis Ramudo Cela
Gordon Ang Kayla D. Johnson Christine M. Rarrick
Leah M. Arnbrecht Lesley A. Joynson Jordan R. Reese
Rachel L. Bauer Andrew Karas Alana Regan
Martin Bloch Taylor L. Kelsey Rebecca M. Reiss
Nicole Bosse Jessica Kepinski Suzanne S. Rettey
Laura E. Brinster Sarah J. Kim Lourdes M. Reyes-Colon
Candace Brown Christine King Caroline Richmond
Ashlee Brunt Katherine F. King Martha Rogers
Gary Burdge Shawn Kohlhaas Heather Rozea
Niyati Butala Maria Laya Jacquelyn K. Rudolph
Tamara J. Bystrak Patrick S. Lee Thomas Sayre
Chelsea Capley Susan Lee Allison E. Schmitz
Glen W. Chase Unax Lertxundi Samantha L. Schulte
Pinhui Chen Myaa E. Lightfoot Mishelle Seiler
Ajarvis T. Cobb Shuli Lim Paige Sinclair
Cory P. Coffey Devin L. Livesay Jacky TP. Siu
Jordan Cooler Linda D. Logan Megan K. Skelly
Simone R. Cousins Joshua G. Loveland Danielle C. Small
Elizabeth Crish Katie MacCamy Candace Stacy
Alison Dailey Cassandra R. A. Marrujo Lauren Stummer
Brittany Denson Shedrick Martin Juthathip Suphanklang
Julia DiNardo Meredith McCauley Rebecca Thiessen
Alisha D. Donat Maren McGurran Rebecca Tourtellotte
Vivian Du Sera E. McNutt Yen Tran
Richard S. Duong Luis Maria Mendarte Barrenechea Megan B. Vaden
Pierre Duranleau-Gagnon Juanice Middleton Colwell Laura J. VanDeventer
Gregory L. Fear Allison B. Miller Anushya Velayuthan
Victoria Firl McKinley Mitchell Samantha Vogel
Megan M. Foreman Breanna L. Moody Rebecca A. Watson
Josh Gerving Shaina E. Musco Shelby C. White
Leigh Gillies Victoria Nguyen Raeschell D. Williams
Teresa Grund Jill L. Nofziger Christopher Wilming
Karolina M. Grzesiak Kathie E. Nowicki Christopher R. Wilson
Roi Gutierrez Megan O'Connell Peter A. Wirkowski
Taylor Harlow Meissa C. O'Dell Derek A. Yates
Sarah Hausner Jennifer B. O'Laughlin Josephine Zepeda
Elika Hefazi Seema Patel Justine Zick


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