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Activity Date: 04/16/2023

Session Time and Location

The live session is complete.

Target Audience

If you are a pharmacist, nurse practitioner, or other health care professional involved in the comprehensive medication management of individuals living with mental health and/or substance use disorders, we invite you to participate in this online course.

Session Summary

This session will only be offered live and will not be recorded for later viewing. ACPE credit is available for those that attend live.

This session is sponsored by the AAPP Foundation.

One in five U.S adults experience mental illness each year. Mental illness can affect anyone, including healthcare professionals. Literature supports that specifically in pharmacy education, stigma towards patients with mental illness is a significant concern. Likewise, within the pharmacy profession, evidence suggests that even pharmacists with many years of experience may still have negative perceptions of patients with mental illness. This stigma is reported amongst other mental health care professionals and notably is illustrated in literature that shows psychologists reluctancy in disclosing their personal mental health concerns for fear of negative consequences. With the known prevalence of mental health concerns, it is likely that members within AAPP have experiences with mental illness that, if shared, can break down the stigma that surrounds mental illness even within our own profession. Sharing these stories, struggles, frustrations, and outcomes may help to foster greater empathy and understanding towards our peers, colleagues, and patients.

In this session, four individuals will share lived experiences with mental illness, including their journies to find suitable treatment plans, as well as experienced stigma and life or career challenges. Moderator Kelly Gable, PharmD, BCPP, will guide participants through an empathy-building exercise, help participants reflect on current perceptions of peers living with mental illness, and provide evidence to ultimately improve patient interactions and care.

Session Participants include, but are not limited to:

  • Jennifer Tran, PharmD
  • Michaelyn Moretz, PharmD Candidate, Class of 2024
  • Sheryl Thedford, PharmD, BCPS, BCPP

Published Research Related to this Session:

  • Gable, KN. Establishing trauma-informed care practices in pharmacy settings: During and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. Pharmacy Today, September 2021, CPE.                                                                                                                
  • D’Arrigo T. (article written about Gable). Challenging Stigma in Mental Health Care: The Power of Compassion in Your Community. Pharmacy Today. June 2017.                                                                                                                                     
  • Gable KN, Muhlstadt K, Celio MA, A Mental Health Elective to Improve Pharmacy Students’ Perspectives on Mental Illness.  American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education.  Vol 75, Issue 2, March 2011.  

Course Requirements

To receive ACPE credit for the live session at the Annual Meeting, you must:

  • Sign in (or create a FREE account).
  • Register for this course.
  • Attend and participate in the entire session and reflect upon its teachings.
  • Complete the evaluation at the end of the activity.
  • Provide the necessary details in your profile to ensure correct reporting by AAPP to CPE Monitor.

Upon successful completion, ACPE credit is reported within 24 hours to CPE Monitor although transcripts can be retrieved by participants online in their ACPE Transcript.

Faculty Information and Disclosures

Kelly Gable, PharmD, BCPP (Moderator)

View biographical information and disclosures

Learning Objectives

  1. Define the magnitude of peers living with or having experienced mental health disorders and related complications.
  2. Reflect on current perceptions of mental health disorders and empathy for patients and peers.
  3. Describe lived experiences of psychiatric pharmacists with mental health disorders.

Continuing Education Credit and Disclosures

Activity Date: 04/16/2023
ACPE Contact Hours: 1
ACPE Number: 0284-0000-23-044-L99-P (Knowledge)
Nursing Credit Reminder: Note that ACPE credit is accepted for certification renewal.

ACPEThe American Association of Psychiatric Pharmacists is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.

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