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Activity Date: 04/16/2023

Session Time and Location

The live session is complete.

Session Summary

Prior to the presentation, lunch will be served from 11:15-11:30 AM Eastern. The program should begin right at 11:30 AM Eastern; however, small delays are possible due to the meal. We thank you in advance for your patience.

There have been tremendous advances recently in the options available for treating bipolar spectrum disorders. In this symposium, Dr. Andrew Cutler will explore some of those advances and strategies for implementing them into clinical practice. The latest evidence-based diagnostic guidelines and treatments for BPI and BPII will be deliberated and investigated. Novel agents and notable achievements in the treatment of disorders across the bipolar spectrum with potential applications from depression with mixed features to psychotic mania will also be discussed.

Certificate Instructions

1.   Complete the evaluation:  (free NEI Guest account required)

2.   Print your certificate

Questions? email or phone 888-535-5600

Faculty Information and Disclosures

Learning Objectives

  1. Improve diagnosis of bipolar spectrum disorders so as to provide appropriate treatment and maximize patient outcomes
  2. Differentiate optimal treatments for BPI and BPII using evidence-based science to determine individual course of treatment and improve patient outcomes

Continuing Education Credit and Disclosures

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Grant Support

This activity is supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Intra-Cellular Therapies.