Activity Date: 04/16/2023
Sunday, April 16, 4:45-5:05 PM
The Judith J. Saklad Memorial Award celebrates the life and work of the late Judith J. Saklad. Dr. Saklad was Clinical Pharmacologist and Clinical Coordinator of Pharmaceutical Services at San Antonio State School and Clinical Assistant Professor of Pharmacy and Pharmacology at The University of Texas at Austin and the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. This award is presented annually to a senior psychiatric pharmacy practitioner who has achieved a level of professional distinction and demonstrates a continuing dedication to the practice of psychiatric pharmacy. AAPP is pleased to announce the recipient of the 2023 Judith J. Saklad Memorial Award, Charles Caley, PharmD, BCPP. Dr. Caley will accept the award on Sunday, April 16, following an afternoon of programming.
Sunday, April 16, 5:05-6:10 PM
Participate in discussions with the AAPP Board of Directors on issues critical to the profession and AAPP as an organization. The Board will update attendees on the highest priority issues and activities within the association while also providing the opportunity for participant questions and input. Following the Forum, the poster award winners will be announced!
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