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Activity Dates: 04/16/2023 - 04/16/2026

Session Time and Location

The live session is complete.

Target Audience

If you are a pharmacist, nurse practitioner, or other health care professional involved in the comprehensive medication management of individuals living with mental health and/or substance use disorders, we invite you to participate in this online course.

Session Summary

The COVID-19 pandemic created another layer of complexity in providing excellent patient care due to staffing shortages and increased mental health needs among patients. Studies prior to the COVID-19 pandemic demonstrated high levels of burnout among clinical pharmacists; this has since been exacerbated by the strain on healthcare systems and clinicians during the pandemic. Burnout can result in a myriad of negative outcomes including reduced job productivity and teamwork, diminished patient satisfaction, increased absenteeism, and increased medical errors. Burnout contributes to increased rates of chronic stress, depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, substance use, and suicidal ideation among clinical pharmacists. Burnout may be of particular concern among clinicians working in mental health given unique challenges to providing care to a population more in need and accepting of mental health services than ever before due to the pandemic and years of socio-cultural and economic upheaval. There are a variety of evidence-based or evidence-informed interventions available to address burnout. While much of the research and implementation focus has been on the individual employee, organizational change strategies are also needed to address and mitigate the known drivers of burnout to promote clinician well-being.

Course Requirements

To receive ACPE credit for this session, you must:

  • Sign in (or create a FREE account).
  • Register for this course.
  • Review the full content of the activity and reflect upon its teachings.
  • Complete the post-test at the end of the activity no later than the closing activity date.
  • Complete the evaluation at the end of the activity.
  • If necessary, complete the post-test retest no later than the closing activity date.
  • Receive a passing grade (70%).
  • Provide the necessary details in your profile to ensure correct reporting by AAPP to CPE Monitor.

Upon successful completion, ACPE credit is reported within 24 hours to CPE Monitor although transcripts can be retrieved by participants online in their ACPE Transcript.

Faculty Information and Disclosures

Learning Objectives

  1. Describe the dimensions, known drivers, and prevalence of burnout among clinical pharmacists.
  2. Examine unique challenges in mental health that may contribute to burnout and reduced resilience among psychiatric pharmacists.
  3. Propose individual- and organizational-level, evidence-based methods to mitigate and reduce burnout, improve engagement, and enhance overall well-being of psychiatric clinical pharmacists in the workplace.


Continuing Education Credit and Disclosures

Activity Dates: 04/16/2023 - 04/16/2026
ACPE Contact Hours: 1
ACPE Number: 0284-0000-23-003-H99-P (Knowledge)
Nursing Credit Reminder: Note that ACPE credit is accepted for certification renewal.

ACPEThe American Association of Psychiatric Pharmacists is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education.

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