The College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists (CPNP) is pleased to announce the selection of Cherry W. Jackson, PharmD, FASHP, FCCP, BCPP, as the recipient of the 2021 Judith J. Saklad Memorial Award. Dr. Jackson is a Professor of Pharmacy, Auburn University; Professor of Medicine, University of Alabama, Birmingham, in Birmingham, AL.
This award is presented annually to a senior psychiatric pharmacy practitioner who has achieved a level of professional distinction and represents the qualities and ideals of professional enthusiasm, a passion for optimizing patient care, and continuing dedication to the practice of psychiatric pharmacy. The Saklad Memorial Award is named after the late Judith J. Saklad, and will be presented at the 2021 Annual Meeting.
Those who nominated Dr. Jackson had this to say:
Dr. Jackson is a Professor in the Department of Pharmacy Practice in the Harrison School of Pharmacy at Auburn University, and Clinical Professor of Medicine in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Neurobiology at the University of Alabama, Birmingham. Prior to coming to Auburn University she was Professor and Assistant Dean at the South University School of Pharmacy in Savannah, Georgia. Dr. Jackson is a fellow of both the American Society of Health System Pharmacists (FASHP) and the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (FCCP). She is a founding member of CPNP and a Past President of the CPNP Board of Directors. She has been active in national and state professional pharmacy organizations and has held both elected and appointed offices in those organizations. Dr. Jackson’s clinical research interest is in the treatment of serious mental illness (SMI), pharmacogenomics, and the adverse effects of psychotropic drugs.
Congratulations to Dr. Jackson!