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CPNP congratulates the following individuals who were successful in obtaining the BCPP designation in the Spring and Fall of 2017. There are now over 1,000 individuals who are credentialed as Board Certified Psychiatric Pharmacists.

Allison Arterbury Ashley Graham Christopher R Noel
Lauren R. Ash Morgan T Gray H.R. Christopher O'Brien
Sheila A Aton Daniel J Greer Amanda Owen
Joni F Baker Joel W Grussendorf Isaac Pan
Andrea L Beall Jessica M Hawthorne Joseph V Pandit
Jason C Boswell Ryan P Heath Jaeboon You Park
Mark J Boyer María Victoria Hernandez Sanchez Anuja V Patel
Jeffrey R Boyer Elizabeth K Hofammann Julienne B Pauly
Kevin M Bozymski Brendon H Hogan Jacob Peters
Lauren M Brown Amy N Holub Leah M Rickert
Ashley S Brown Stephanie L Hsia Mariona Roca Andreu
L. Hayley Burgess Maria Angeles Iriarte Izura Melissa A Rock
Justin R Butler Ahmad Ismail Elixabet Rodriguez Garcia
Laura P Cannon Kimberly Jay Nicole A Romstadt
Laura K Chan Hannah Johnson Melissa Rozdilsky
Andria Farhat Church Christie H Kahlon Ann Marie Ruhe
Cristina Cirujeda Ranzenberger Allie E Kaigle Bryan Sackey
Amanda L Cordes Jessa M Koch Mebanga Ojong Salako
Stephanie L Coveart Lauren Kohley Abdel-Rahman Sammakieh
Marissa Cullen Gerard J Kokett Isabel Sancho De Salas
Brent W Curry Kimberly Korstjens Sara M Schroedl
Noor Daghistani Kelly J Krieger Travis T Schule
Gary W Dawson Mark D LaBossiere Ilona Shishko
Austin De La Cruz Elizabeth P Lake Allison Smith
Eddie L Diaz Tammie W Lee David J Snyder
Adam S Dilich Stephanie Lee Ashley B Sobol
Michelle X Ding Shelly L Lettmann Tye D Souders
Caitlin J Dirvonas Peter Lue Danielle Stutzman
Shannon DuBois Sarah Luttrell Kimberly A Sundling
Rachel M Dugan Cristina A Madden Lee Swerdloff
Rosemary Dulac Thomas J Maestri Paul W Thompson
Meghan Q Duquette Meghan E May Patrick Thorsvig
Ashley L Eagleson Erin McAllister Erika N Titus-Lay
Shannon Eaves Kaitlin M McArdle Juliette T Toure
Laura Enman Betsy D McCollum Trang M Tran
William J Erwin Amanda D McQuillan Austin Tull
Kara R Gagnon Jodi L Meerbeek Kaitlin Vaughn
Wei Shan Gan Brianna Morabito Miguel Vazquez Real
Kristen N Gardner Daralyn A Morgenson Rachel E Walker
Jessica H Gates Kimberly Mulcahy Lucas W Watson
Danielle N Gionet Santos Navarro De Lara Michael Webster
Erika J Goldberg Mitchell Nazario Stephen E. Williams
Seth R Gomez Kristen Neumeister Bradley A Wolzak
Melissa Gorecki Yiwei Ng I-Chang Wu
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