Chris Thomas, PharmD, BCPP, BCPS, CGP
CPNP Treasurer, Board of Directors
“We will maintain a fiscally and operationally effective organization as well as cultivate new leaders, improve committee structures, and enhance the member and volunteer experience through involvement and participation.”
During the strategic planning process, it was deemed that CPNP could not be effective in advancing the reach and practice of neuropsychiatric pharmacists if the organization was not financially strong. Fortunately, past and current CPNP leadership has ensured a strong financial foundation (see our 2012-2013 audit) for continued growth. This has allowed CPNP to meet the challenges of our profession and expand the portfolio of products and services offered to the membership over the past several years. The investment strategy laid out by the governing policy continues to allow current investments to grow, while weathering the downturn in the economy over the past 5 to 8 years. I am pleased to report that total assets exceeded 2 million dollars for the first time in the organization’s history over this past fiscal year.
In addition to the investment and emphasis on financial health, leadership clearly recognizes that the future of the organization resides with our active membership. Through the strategic planning process, we discussed how the relatively small number of committees limits the opportunities for member involvement. To increase member involvement in current topics and trends in neuropsychiatric pharmacy practice, and to facilitate networking, online communities will be formed. We are hopeful that through the community interactions, a new avenue for robust volunteerism will develop and allow more members to utilize their talents and become more involved within the organization. Any member can develop, lead, or join a community and there will be no limitations on the size of the community. During the next few months, communities will be forming, so please think about a community that you would like to develop or join. Members can propose new committees online.
Finally, through the new committee and community structure, CPNP leadership and senior members will be able to identify the next generation of leaders within CPNP. It will be through these processes that the mentoring and cultivation of leadership will occur so that CPNP will continue to have a bright and successful future.