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The Survey

For the 2020 Residency Program Director Survey, 78 distinct Residency Program Directors (RPDs) were contacted and 57 submitted a survey response (a 73% response rate, up from the last RPD survey). From the results of the survey, the types of programs include:

  • PGY-2 in Psychiatry (2019-2020): 72 positions, reflecting a growth of 20 positions reported from 2017-2018.
  • PGY-2 in Neurology: 0 positions, consistent with previous survey results

Job Placement

Over 97% of psychiatric pharmacy residents from reporting programs were able to obtain positions after the completion of their residency program. Of those who successfully obtained a position, over two-thirds (approximately 69%) were able to secure that position prior to the completion of residency. The largest group of these residents found their job within the last 3 months of their residency program (45%). The remaining 31% of residents secured a position after the completion of their residency.

Figure 1. Timeline for Residents Securing Positions After Residency

The majority of residents (over 90%), obtained psychiatric or neurologic clinical pharmacist positions, representing an increase from the 2017-2018 survey. The majority of these positions are 100% psychiatric focused (approximately 81%) and, by far, the most common employer was the VA Health Care System (over 68%). Figure 2 presents the breakdown of clinical settings of positions obtained after residency, with outpatient being the most common setting at over 62% of positions. This represents an increase from year 2017-2018 (45%), and is more consistent with 2016-2017 findings (over 60%).

Figure 2. Clinical Settings of Positions Obtained After Residency

When RPDs were involved in the hiring of applicants for clinical practice or clinical faculty positions in psychiatry or neurology, the most commonly desired minimum requirement was a PGY2 psychiatric pharmacy residency (66.7% of respondents), followed by BCPP/plan to obtain BCPP (59.6% of respondents). These results are consistent with the 2017-2018 survey findings (Figure 3), however demonstrated a shift in placing a higher emphasis on PGY2 residency training.

Figure 3. Hiring RPDs Desired List of Minimum Requirements in Potential Job Candidates

Residency Positions

For the 2020-2021 residency year recruitment cycle, 93% of respondents filled all their residency positions, demonstrating a continual improvement from 2018-2019 (90.4%) and 2017-2018 (80.7%) survey years.

Figure 4. Percent of Respondents who Filled all their Residency Positions

RPDs reported that for the 2020-2021 recruitment cycle, the number of applicants received ranged from zero to twenty applicants, with the most common number being one applicant. Overall, respondents reported a sum total of 337 total applications (with duplicates if applicant submitted to multiple programs).

According to the National Matching service website (referenced at:, 96 of 98 available resident positions were filled, with 40% of those positions being filled through the early commitment process. Psychiatric Pharmacy is one of the top 5 PGY-2 program types based off number of programs and number of offered positions, following Ambulatory Care, Oncology, Critical Care, and Infectious Diseases.

All responding programs either maintain ASHP accreditation status (91.2%) or are planning on becoming an ASHP accredited residency program (8.8%), an increase from previous surveys.

Residency Funding

Over half of all programs are funded through VA Health System funds (57.9%), with the second most frequent source being hospital funds (35.1%) (Figure 5). Nearly all programs (96.5%) reported no anticipated additional funds to expand their number of PGY2 residency positions.

Figure 5. Residency Program Funding Source

CPNP Involvement

The majority of responding RPDs encouraged their residents to become members of CPNP (77.2%) or required their resident to become a member (21.1%). A majority of RPDs (66.7%) reported encouraging their resident to maintain membership after completion of residency. Regarding funding the membership, 77.2% of respondents stated that their resident covers their own CPNP membership fees (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Funding for Resident’s CPNP Membership

When asked what CPNP could do to assist RPDs, common requests included: provision of preceptor development, networking opportunities, collaborating on learning experiences, and assistance in preparing for ASHP accreditation surveys. These recommendations will be considered within the strategic planning process, by the Resident and New Practitioner Committee, and by the RPD Community. 

The CPNP Resident and New Practitioner Committee appreciates the PGY2 Residency Program Directors who completed this survey, which facilitates the dissemination of important data to the membership and future psychiatric pharmacists regarding PGY2 psychiatric residency training.

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