Over the past 3 months, CPNP has been working with ASHP in the development of the new Competency Areas, Goals, and Objectives for the PGY-2 Psychiatry Residencies. CPNP members involved in the development of the new goals and objectives are Jose Rey, Ronald Reed, Christopher Thomas, Tawny Smith, and Amy VandenBerg,
The review process consisted of CPNP obtaining feedback from the Residency Program Director (RPD) Community on requested changes to the goals and objectives. Once this feedback was obtained, the workgroup, in collaboration with Naomi Schultheis from ASHP, began the process of reviewing and creating the new required and elective goals and objectives for the PGY-2 Psychiatric Residencies.
The first draft of the new competency areas, goals, and objectives is complete, and was sent to RPDs for feedback. CPNP coordinated a discussion with member RPDs in January. Individual RPDs have been asked to provide comments regarding the proposed required and elective goals and objectives. The draft is here for review and your comments and suggestions are requested. Please use this link to provide your input by January 29. Once these comments are reviewed, the draft document will go before the Commission on Credentialing (CoC) at the March 2016 meeting. Once approved by the CoC, the ASHP Board of Directors must approve the finalized document. Anticipated timeframe for releasing the document will occur in late April. Programs will have until July 2017 to adopt the new goals and objectives.
CPNP would like to thank the Accreditation Services Division of ASHP for allowing our organization to be a part of this process.