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CPNP congratulates the following individuals who were successful in obtaining the BCPP designation in the Spring and Fall of 2015. Approximately eighty-five percent of these successful candidates purchased the Psychiatric Pharmacotherapy Review Book designed as a preparatory tool for the BCPP examination. There are now over 900 individuals who are credentialed as Board Certified Psychiatric Pharmacists.

Afua A. Addo-Abedi Rina Evans Ian R. McGrane
Carrie L. Allen Alla Fabrikant Adele M. Miles
Mutasem Mr. Almistarihi Maryam S. Faridmohseni Lacey J. Miller
Kristen E. Backe Carisa L. Finke Jessica L. Moreno
Elizabeth Baltenberger Brittany Finocchio Heather C. Murphy
Meredith Blalock Megan L. Flinchum Christopher W. Nagengast
Katie T. Blissit Gary Flowers Ofir Noah. Nevo
Dalia M. Bowling Hugh A. Franck Taylor Nichols
Michael J. Brown Michelle L. Geier Rosana C. Oliveira
Nicole Brunet Wesley L. Geminn William A. Olsufka
Brooke D. Butler Shari M. Gentilini Hyun-Sook Park
Mélanie Caouette Marliese A. Gibson Jennifer Preinitz
Heather L. Carey Chelsie B. Heesch Amaya Rojo
Jasmine Carpenter Jacob T. Held Michael Rynearson
Chelsea N. Carr Jessica L. Ho Thanompong Sathienluckana
Victor Chen Gregory Hofer Kendra J. Saxvik
Kari Christy Kimberly A. Hoffmann Robert W. Schmidt
Ashley Clark Philip J. Hommerding Kimberly G. Seratt
Jeff Clark Jessica Hopper Chin Yee Sim
Jennifer L. Cole Joanne Hui Ling Sng Grace Sima
Lisa G. Conrad Ahmed Hossam S. Ibrahim Alexandra Sklansky
Janeen C. Crawford Elizabeth Jackson Courtney Slough
Angela L. Crispo Shabnam Jeddi Thomas R. Smith
Emily E. Czeck Ismar Karadzic Joseph R. Solien
Jeremy Daniel Shifra Kaufman Aila J. Spiegel
Erica Davis Jaclyn M. Kawsky Ashley T. Tewksbury
Kathryn DeMent Meredyth W. Keast-Devine Traci Turner
David P. Denio Shiyun Kim Jose Valdes
Amie J. Digatono Hope Kimura Maria M. Vento-Correa
Gabriela Dimitrievski Kalee M. Kleinhesselink Robert C. Walkenshaw
Shadi Doroudgar Brian N. LaPlant Elizabeth Weed
Jennifer L. Easterling Lisa Lenzi Andrew M. Williams
Nervana Elbakary Jonathan F. Lister Kathryn Wininger
Justin C. Ellison Jeff Mallette Allysa M. Zoucha
Regina F. Evans Erin R. Mathis Andrew Zwack


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