As an organization, the College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists (CPNP) is committed to developing and promoting pharmacists who practice in the specialty areas of psychiatry and neurology. One method to maximize this visibility is through CPNP’s Psychiatric Pharmacy Manifesto. Just recently, the CPNP Past Presidents updated the manifesto with the goal that it serve as a public declaration of our principles, beliefs, and intentions to those within and outside our profession. The updated manifesto is available here.
Lead author and Past President, Glen Stimmel, PharmD, notes that “over the past year, the CPNP Past Presidents reviewed the original manifesto and provided updates to make it more crisp and clear, as well as to reflect needed changes that have occurred in the past four years.” Stimmel shares the Past Presidents hope that this “document also reflect the values and professional priorities of the membership and will prove useful to members as they work with colleagues and even share their work lives with family and friends.”
About CPNP
The College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists (CPNP) envisions a world where every individual with a psychiatric or neurologic disorder has a care team that includes a neuropsychiatric pharmacist accountable for optimal medication therapy. As the voice of the specialty, our mission is to advance the reach and practice of neuropsychiatric pharmacists.
CPNP is a professional association of over 1700 pharmacists who are trained to work directly with patients and caregivers to apply specialized clinical knowledge and skills, educate and train healthcare professionals, and develop new knowledge in order to improve health outcomes for those individuals with psychiatric and neurologic disorders. Members apply evidence-based, cost-efficient best practices as a member of a treatment team to achieve patient recovery and improved quality of life.