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The creation of online communities offers new leadership opportunities for our members. Based on the Community Maturity Model1, the early success of our online communities will be determined by the willingness of a core set of members to contribute regularly and often.

Each community has two designated leaders to help administer the group and take ownership of its direction. However, you still have the ability to establish yourself as a leader in the community and as a potential leader for the organization.

Contribute: First and foremost, you should contribute to the community. Share resources, participate in email discussions, and provide feedback when people have questions.

Volunteer: Communities will periodically discuss ways to contribute back to the organization. Whether it is to suggest Annual Meeting programming or to support white paper creation, consider volunteering your time to advance your key interests.

Collaborate: Try to connect with other members. An essential element of leadership is the ability to work with your peers. By collaborating on papers or projects through the community, you will help to establish yourself as a team player who can make things happen.

As your passion becomes visible in the communities, people will notice. By becoming a reliable resource and a committed advocate, you will begin the journey toward being a leader in CPNP.


  1. The State of Community Management 2014. The Community Roundtable. c2014 [cited 2014 Jun 18]. Available from:
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