As I reflect on the 2014 Annual Meeting (AM) and my final month as president, I have a sense of fulfillment in all that I’ve learned from my colleagues and friends and all that is possible for the future of our vibrant organization!
AM Programming
Phoenix Rising started out with a big dose of practical DSM-5 know-how in the pre-meeting workshop. Having the opportunity to work through cases with colleagues while being guided by Dr. Nussbaum, really helped me get comfortable with formulating a diagnostic problem list instead of clinging to the multi-axial diagnoses of previous DSM’s. The debate on medical marijuana challenged me to think beyond my own biases to consider all facets of the issue, particularly since audience polling showed CPNP members split down the middle on topics of legalization, DEA scheduling, and pharmacist dispensing. I learned that there are no easy answers on the question of antipsychotics as mood stabilizers or ketamine as an antidepressant.
Some presentations affirmed my own beliefs about antipsychotic polypharmacy, and the underutilization of clozapine while other presentations introduced me to topics I had no experience with such as N-acetylcysteine (NAC) for pathologic gambling or the ability of pharmacists to increase access to naloxone for opioid addiction. Dr. McIntyre’s presentation showing links between obesity, inflammation, and mood dysregulation was truly thought-provoking and it provided the basis for studying novel treatments for mood disorders such as infliximab, tetrahydrobiopterin, and minocycline.
The CPNP Annual meeting provides just the right balance of sessions that feature cutting-edge science along with programs that inform drug therapy decision-making along with presentations that push participants toward practice transformation.
Practice Transformation
Practice transformation was a hot topic at the AM during platform presentations, the poster session and during the “Forum on our Future”. Dr. Terry McGinnis challenged members to provide comprehensive medication management (CMM) by assessing and optimizing all pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic interventions and by encouraging clients to set their own goals for treatment. Members recall that CMM was endorsed by CPNP in April of 2013 as the gold standard patient care practice due to its high level of success in helping patients achieve therapeutic goals cost-effectively.
Approximately 25% of the 177 posters featured innovative practice models such as increasing access to coordinated mental health care in medical homes or primary care clinics and making interprofessional education an integral part of patient care. As an example, Dr. Beth Winans received the innovative practice award for her practice, “Development and Implementation of a Psychiatric Emergency Department Medication Refill Clinic.” We’ve all worked with individuals where a hospitalization could have been prevented if the patient had better access to medication follow-up and refills. Way to go Beth, for improving the minds and lives of individuals through practice innovation and transformation!
Forum on Our Future
Discussions at CPNP’s “Forum on our Future” continued the theme of increasing access to care and practice transformation during 3 structured topic discussions, 1) CPNP’s substance abuse efforts, 2) residency training, and 3) government affairs.
Drs Ray Love and Bethany DiPaula introduced the charges of the task force and led a discussion on pharmacist involvement in increasing access to naloxone to save lives. I joined Dr Chris Thomas to discuss the conundrum of expanding PGY-2 psychiatric pharmacy residencies while PGY-1 residencies are increasingly competitive. What impact will this have on demand for PGY-2 residencies? Or employment opportunities for residency graduates? Lastly, Dr. Carla Cobb and CPNP’s Government Affairs Consultant Carey Potter, led a discussion on legislative issues including how current bills compare to the CPNP/ACCP legislation that seeks Medicare part B payment for CMM provided by qualified pharmacists. Notes from all of these discussions can be found at in the member center.
CPNP appreciates its partnership with NAMI as it informs our decisions on topics ranging from educational activities to government affairs. Our friend, Chuck Harmon from NAMI joined us at the AM to express NAMI’s appreciation for CPNP’s contributions through NAMI walk donations and for CPNP’s ongoing work to develop and update medication fact sheets for In the year 2013, there were 10 million visits to and 1.1 million of those visits accessed the medication fact sheets.
In my final letter to our membership, I’d like to thank you, the dedicated and creative members of CPNP who give of your time and expertise to make CPNP the high value, progressive and impactful organization that it is. Please continue your engagement in CPNP by participating in the listserv, contributing to the Mental Health Clinician as an author or reviewer, and by active involvement in a community and/or committee.
I look forward to my third and final year on CPNP’s Board of Directors where I have worked with some of the most talented staff and skilled leaders in our profession. On behalf of the Board of Directors, sincere appreciation goes to our exceptional Executive Director, Brenda Schimenti, our brilliant IT Director, Greg Payne, and the multi-talented Vanessa Wasser. All keep CPNP business on task and moving successfully forward.
Please join me in thanking our past-president Rex Lott, and board members, Troy Moore and Ellie Elliott who complete their service at the end of June. Please know the year ahead promises to be eventful under the leadership of President, Steve Burghart, President-elect Ray Love, and incoming board members, Jonathan Lacro, Jennifer Zacher, and Megan Ehret. Exciting happenings to look forward to include the transition of the Mental Health Clinician to an all peer-reviewed journal, progress from the substance abuse task force, the establishment of communities, and of course, next year’s Annual meeting, “Growing the Future of Neuropsychiatric Pharmacy” in Tampa, Florida, April 19th to the 22nd. I’ll see you all there!
Julie Dopheide, PharmD, BCPP