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CPNP is grateful to the 274 people who have volunteered for the association in some capacity during the committee year that has just concluded.

Volunteer contributions ranged from service on the Board and standing committees/editorial boards to serving as authors for the Mental Health Clinician to reviewing abstract submissions for our Annual Meeting scientific poster session to assisting with field testing and cut-off scores to facilitating Annual Meeting Learning Labs to participating in Annual Meeting student programming. Volunteers provide the manpower and leadership to ensure that CPNP provides current information and worthwhile and expansive products and services.  

Join us in celebrating our 2013-2014 volunteers. All members can contribute as volunteers and expand their professional network and skills. Simply keep your CPNP volunteer profile up to date in My CPNP so that we can call on you as opportunities become available and watch for new opportunities in the Volunteer Opportunities section of My CPNP.

Adams, Katie S Englett, Bri Kreys, Tiffany-Jade Radtke, Michelle L
Aebi, Cydreese Ereshefsky, Larry Krieger, Kelly J Reddy, Tara
Allen, Shari N Fabrikant, Alla Kutscher, Eric C. Reeves, Holly
Allison, Kristen Farinde, Abimbola Lacro, Jonathan P. Reinstatler, Kristina
Allwine, Rachael R Ferguson, Robert B. Lai, Phillip Richard, Michelle
Atherton, Abril Fernandes, Deanna C Lakey, Susan L. Richards, Ann L.
Ayala, Allen Freeland, Kathryn Lavinghousez, Calleen Riesselman, Amber
Bean, Jennifer Frick, Lara Leckband, Susan G. Robert, Sophie
Benham, Catherine Fuller, Matthew A. Lee, Jennifer R Roerig, James L.
Berger, Reisel Gable, Kelly N. Lee, Kelly C. Ross, Clinton A
Bishop, Jeffrey R. Garcia, Guadalupe Leloux, Megan Saklad, Stephen R
Bogart, Gregory T Gardner, Kristen N Leung, Jonathan G Saldana, Shannon N
Boggs, Douglas L. Garris, Shauna S Levin, Gary M. Santoro, Anna
Borovicka, Mary C. Geier, Michelle L Li, Chengqing Sarashinsky, Megan M.
Bostwick, Jolene R. Gercke, Sara J Lindon, James L Scheer, Corey
Botts, Sheila R. Givone, Donna M. Lisi, Donna Schimenti, Brenda K
Bowles, Toya Giwa, Kayode Liu, Mei T. Schneiderhan, Mark E.
Bowling, Dalia M. Goga, Joshana K. Lockwood, Anna Shankar, Gollapudi
Brackins, Todd Gold, Jeff Lorenz, Raymond Sherwood, Devon Anne
Bradley, Bridget Goldstone, Lisa W Lotito, Megan L Shi, Jia
Brahm, Nancy C Gonzalez, Misty L Lott, Rex S. Shults, Jana
Breden Crouse, Ericka L. Goren, Jessica L. Love, Ray Singer, Brandy A.
Bremer, Anna E Grady, Sarah E. Magnuson, Tim Smith, Jonalan
Brennan, Jessica L Graham, Rebecca Malhotra, Jodie V. Smith, Tawny L.
Burch, Christine F Grande, Rachel E Maroney, Megan Sommi, Roger W.
Burghardt, Kyle J Gray, Emily N Martin, Courtney Spollen, Shelly M.
Burghart, Steven M Grothe, Dale R. Marvanova, Marketa Stauffer, Ginny L.
Butz, Jami L. Guthrie, Sally K. Mascarenas, Cindy A. Still, Daniel J.
Caballero, Joshua Haberman, Margaret Massaro, Kathy Bungay Stimmel, Glen L.
Caley, Charles F. Haight, Robert J. Masten, Dale Stoner, Steven C.
Campbell, Austin R Hall, Beth M. Mathys, Monica Straley, Craig
Canning, Jacquelyn Hall, Warren N. McClelland, Justine B Tangu, Keumboh
Cardoni, Alex A. Harnisch, Alicia McKee, Brian Teter, Christian J.
Carnahan, Ryan M. Harris, Suzanne C McKee, Jerry R. Thedford, Sheryl
Caruana, Stephen S Harrison, Antoinette M McRae-Clark, Aimee L. Thomas, Christopher
Carvalho, Michael G. Hebbard, Amy M Mehvar, Mina Thomas, Kelan
Cates, Marshall E. Heesch, Chelsie B Melton, Sarah T. Thomas, Michele D
Cather, Jessica Henderson, Crystal L. Mican, Lisa M. Thompson, Deborah L.
Chan, Pauline Henry, Jessica Middleton Colwell, Juanice Tillery, Erika E.
Chavez, Benjamin Hieber, Robin N Miller, Jennifer Tomisser, Katy
Chen, Jack J. Hillman, Ashley D Miller, Stacy Tomko, John R
Chiulli, Dana Ho, Jessica L Moeller, Karen E. Tran, Quynh-Van
Clark, Jeff Hoch, Matthew A Moore, Lindsy R Trott, Jayme
Cobb, Carla D. Hoeft, Dawn M Moore, Troy A. Valine, Andrew J
Cohen, Lawrence J. Hoffelt, Charity G MORGAN, LANCE VandenBerg, Amy M.
Colvard, Michelle D House, Naomi A. Morin, Anna K VanDenBerg, Chad M.
Conte, Nicholas Houser, Jennifer N Mullarkey, Sarah A Vu, Quynh
Crabtree, Brian L. Hughes, Caitlin M Mullen, Sandra Wackernah, Robin C
Crosby, Steven J. Hvizdos, Andrew J Najarian, Dean M. Watanabe, Mark D.
Cruz, Martin P Hyatt, Judith Narayanaswamy, Sudha Weber, Stanley S.
Cunningham, Julie L. Ibrahim, Ahmed Hossam S Nelson, Leigh Anne Wehring, Heidi J.
Cyr, Monica Iuppa, Courtney A Norman, Sarah Wells, Daina
Daly-Stennis, Denise Jackson, Cherry W. Odorzynski, Melissa Werremeyer, Amy
Dansby, Michelle C Jackson, Marie-Therese Ogunmekan, Amen I Whipple, Sarah
Davis, Alan Johnson, Dara L Oji, Valerie U. White, Nicole L
DeJongh, Beth Jones, Karrie R Ott, Carol A. Wijesinghe, Ruki
Demler, Tammie lee Jones, Talia M Overman, Gerald P. Williams, Dorothy
Denisko, Elena Kattura, Rania Park, Susie H. Winans, Elizabeth A.
Diak, Ida-Lina Kauer, Jill Partanna, Leonard Winistoerfer, Niccole M
Diefenderfer, Lauren Kelly, Deanna L. Patrick, Kathryn A Woldu, Rahel
DiPaula, Bethany Kelly, Jennifer L Pena, Anita C Wong, Kara R
Dishman, Ben R. Kemp, Michael Perry, Paul J. Wonson, Erica
Dopheide, Julie A. Kenigsberg, Janna Pfalzgraf, Andrea Woodard, Todd J
Dugan, Daniel J. Kennedy, Lindsey Phan, Stephanie V. Yoshida, Patti
Dugan, Sara E. Khorassani, Farah E Popish, Sarah J Zacher, Jennifer L.
Dutton, Traci M Kim, Dongmi Potter, Carey E Zasadzki, Magdalena
Ehret, Megan J. Kirkwood, Cynthia K. Price, Cristofer M Zeier, Katy L
Eichel-Bato, Elizabeth A Kissack, Julie C. Price, Paul L.  
Elliott, Ellie Knick, Leslie W Puzantian, Talia  


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