| A Breath of Fresh Air: Treatment of Intramuscular Naltrexone-Induced Eosinophilic Pneumonia | Therapeutic Case Report | Matano J Resident PGY2 | Finalist | |
 | A Combination of Olanzapine and Samidorphan in Adults With Schizophrenia and Bipolar I Disorder: Overview of Clinical Data | Encore Presentation | Citrome L Non-Pharmacist | Monday
| |
 | A Comparison of Erenumab versus Botulinum among Veterans with Chronic Migraines in the setting of COVID-19 | Work in Progress | Hagerman C Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | A Comparison of Prazosin and Topiramate for the Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder in Veterans with PTSD | Work in Progress | Diokpa C Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | A Comparison of the Pharmacokinetics, Efficacy, and Tolerability of Long-Acting Injectable Risperidone Formulations | Original Research | Halsey E Student | Monday | |
 | A Pharmacist-Developed Algorithm to Improve UTI Antibiotic Appropriateness at an Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital | Innovative Practices | Williams A Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | A Retrospective Study Evaluating the Role of Atomoxetine in Improving Outcomes in Patients with Attention Hyperactivity Disorder and Comorbid Substance Use Disorder | Work in Progress | Varughese S Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | A Retrospective Study of Pharmacist versus Psychiatrist-Led Medication Management in an Outpatient Setting | Work in Progress | Olson C Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | A Survey of Health Care Professionals: Is a New Nomenclature Needed for Atypical Antipsychotics? | Encore Presentation | Wallace K Non-Pharmacist | Monday
| |
 | Access to Medications for Opioid Use Disorder Within Integrated Healthcare Systems: Barriers and Potential Solutions | Original Research | Mullen W Non-Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Addition of a Clinical Pharmacy Specialist to an Inpatient Addiction Triage Team and Related Medication Outcomes | Innovative Practices | Ehrhard K Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Adjusting Long Acting Injectable Antipsychotic Regimens to Reduce Patient and Clinician Risk During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Innovative Practices | Rabon H Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Adverse Effects of Combination Antipsychotic Therapy in a Forensic Patient Population | Work in Progress | HANSEN C Resident PGY2 | Tuesday
| |
 | Alcohol Use Disorder Pharmacotherapy Education for Veterans Hospitalized for Acute Withdrawal Management | Work in Progress | Stark N Resident PGY2 | Tuesday
| |
 | Alcohol Use Education and Alcohol Use Disorder Pharmacotherapy Management in Primary Care | Work in Progress | Heffner L Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Analysis of Patient-Reported Satisfaction with Long-Acting Injectables for Opioid and Alcohol Use Disorder in a Central Texas Outpatient Clinic | Original Research | Vogt C Student | Monday | |
 | Analysis of Pharmacy Student's and Professional's Perception of Efficacy and Risk of Psychotropic Medications Through Estimated Number-needed-to-treat and Number-needed-to harm | Work in Progress | Smith T Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Analysis Of Student Pharmacists’ Self-Reported Intention To Provide Harm Reduction Resources After Brief Education And A Simulated Patient Encounter | Original Research | Loera L Fellow | Tuesday | |
 | Analysis of Trends in Anxiety in Professional Pharmacy Students; A Follow-up Study: Evaluating the relationship between Anxiety and caffeine intake, hours of sleep, and perceived loneliness in Professional Pharmacy Students. | Work in Progress | Elicone A Student | Monday | |
 | Analyzing the Effect of Art Therapy Interventions and Wellness Programs on Graduate Pharmacy Students’ Mental Health | Work in Progress | Krauss Z Student | Monday | |
 | Anticholinergic use and antipsychotic initiation in dementia: an evaluation of prescribing at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center | Work in Progress | Barnes S Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Antipsychotic Use at a Skilled Nursing Facility | Innovative Practices | Hunt V Student | Monday | |
 | Anxiety in Professional Pharmacy Students: A Literature Review on Anxiety and Effective Coping Mechanisms | Original Research | Lee GM Student | Monday
| |
 | Assessing Adherence and Persistence to Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics Initiated in the Inpatient Setting | Work in Progress | Handkins S Student | Monday | |
 | Assessing Patient-Reported Outcomes and Pharmacist Interventions in Neurology Specialty Disease States within an Integrated Care Center | Original Research | Livezey S Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Assessing the characteristics of Veterans over 65 who are prescribed benzodiazepines: comparing Veterans in mental health clinics and primary care clinics | Original Research | Marceau A Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Assessing the Clinical Outcomes surrounding Deep Brain Stimulation in the Treatment of Refractory Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Case-Cohort Study | Work in Progress | Knebel J Fellow | Tuesday | |
 | Assessing the Need for Gender Diverse Education Amongst Practicing Community Pharmacists | Work in Progress | Harris M Student | Monday
| |
 | Assessing the prevalence of drugs listed in American Geriatric Society Beers Criteria for Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in non-critically ill hospitalized geriatric patients | Work in Progress | Budzak B Student | Monday | |
 | Assessing Use of Population Management Tools to Promote Safety for Long-Acting Injectable Psychotropic Medications | Original Research | Skriptshak C Resident PGY2 | Tuesday
| |
 | Assessment of a Comprehensive Naloxone Education Program’s Impact on Community Member Knowledge and Attitudes on a College Campus | Encore Presentation | Doughty B Pharmacist | Monday
| |
 | Assessment of Anticholinergic Polypharmacy in the Elderly at a Community Psychiatric Hospital | Work in Progress | Boulos M Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Assessment of Hepatitis C Treatment Sustained Virologic Response in Veterans with Substance Use and Prevalence of Reinfection | Work in Progress | Stratton M Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Assessment of Monitoring for Orthostatic Hypotension in Adults 60 Years and Older Being Treated with Select Antipsychotics at an Academic Medical Center. | Work in Progress | White O Student | Monday | |
 | Assessment of Opioid Withdrawal with The Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS) Treatment Protocol at A Community Psychiatric Hospital | Original Research | Bhavsar N Student | Monday
| |
 | Association Between Therapeutic Outcomes of Antidepressants (SSRI) and Pharmacogenetics in Patients with Neurodevelopmental Disorders | Work in Progress | Aroh C Student | Monday | |
 | Attitudes and Perceptions About the Use of Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics Among Behavioral Health Providers | Work in Progress | Schwartz S Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Benzodiazepine Prescribing Patterns at an Outpatient Family Medicine Clinic | Original Research | Bingham J Student | Monday | |
 | Brand-Based Differences in Neutropenia Risk: A Case Report of Aripiprazole-induced Neutropenia | Therapeutic Case Report | Kim H Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Buprenorphine Prescribing Practices in United States Emergency Departments | Original Research | Doughty B Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Burning Mouth Syndrome Responsive to Gabapentin: A Case Report | Therapeutic Case Report | Patel S Student | Monday | |
 | Cardiometabolic Safety of Lumateperone (ITI-007): Post Hoc Analyses of Short-Term Randomized Trials and an Open-Label Long-Term Study in Schizophrenia | Encore Presentation | Edwards J Non-Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Cataloguing the Impact of Psychiatric Pharmacist through Literature | Work in Progress | Ho J Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Characterization of Commercial Cannabidiol Oil Products and the In-vitro Biomodulation of Citalopram and Escitalopram | Original Research | Price A Student | Monday | |
 | Clinical Pharmacist Outreach to Improve Continuation Phase Depression Management in Adults within a Safety Net Institution | Work in Progress | Van Ochten H Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Clinical Utility of Pharmacogenomic Testing in a Veteran Mental Health Population | Original Research | Chmielinski J Resident PGY2 | Tuesday
| |
 | Clinician Perception of Initiating Buprenorphine for Patients with Opioid Use Disorder Following Virtual Simulation Experiences | Work in Progress | Humphries A Resident PGY2 | Tuesday
| |
 | Collaborative Advocacy Between Student CPNP and APhA-ASP Chapters for MFHA Inclusion Across All PharmD Curricula | Innovative Practices | Nasser L Student | Monday | |
 | Comparative Bioavailability of Amphetamine Extended-Release Oral Suspension and Extended-Release Mixed Amphetamine Salts | Encore Presentation | Everitt A Pharmacist | Monday
| |
 | Comparison of Antipsychotic Prescribing Practices Following Failure of Antipsychotic Monotherapy in the Acute Care Setting | Work in Progress | Morgan K Resident PGY2 | Tuesday
| |
 | Comparison of Clozapine Dosing and Tolerability in Patients with and without Concurrent Divalproex Sodium | Work in Progress | Santos RT Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Comparison of Healthcare Utilization Rates Among Patients with a Stimulant Use Disorder or Opioid Use Disorder in a Veteran Population | Work in Progress | Cathright S Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Consumer Perception, Knowledge, and Uses of Cannabidiol | Work in Progress | Moeller K Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Continuation and Improvement of a Personality Disorder Treatment Protocol at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center | Work in Progress | Roberts J Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Deprescribing in Older Adults during Inpatient Psychiatric Hospitalization: Impact of Pharmacist Intervention and Interprofessional Collaboration | Work in Progress | Temelie A Resident PGY2 | Tuesday
| |
 | Description of Psychiatric Pharmacist-led Interventions Post Hospital Discharge within an Integrated Health System | Work in Progress | Gardner K Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Developing and Establishing Psychiatric and Behavioral Health Ambulatory Clinical Pharmacy Services Within a Large Heath System | Work in Progress | Katini S Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Development and Implementation of a Long-Acting Injectable Procedure at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center | Work in Progress | Mathia C Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Development, Implementation, and Evaluation of a Clinical Tool Kit for the Care of Patients Receiving Clozapine in Acute Psychiatry | Encore Presentation | Halpape K Pharmacist | Monday
| |
 | Dialectical Behavior Therapy’s Impact on Psycho-Polypharmacy Minimization in Veterans with Borderline Personality Disorder | Work in Progress | Snavely S Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Do Buprenorphine Doses & Ratios Matter in Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) Retention? | Work in Progress | Kavanagh K Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Effect of A Subcutaneous Weekly and Monthly Buprenorphine (CAM2038) Extended-Release Dose on Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) Treatment Outcomes | Encore Presentation | Budilovsky-Kelley NR Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Effect Of Pharmacogenetics-Based Decision Support Strategies In Improving Depression Outcomes: A Systematic Review | Original Research | Aboelbaha S Student | Monday | |
 | Effect of Phenobarbital on Benzodiazepine Usage for Alcohol Withdrawal | Original Research | Collins O Student | Monday | |
 | Effect of Prescriber Education on Off-Label Quetiapine Use in Veterans diagnosed with PTSD | Work in Progress | Hull T Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Effectivenss Analysis of Olanzapine Compared to Other Antipsychotics for the Treatment of First-Episode Psychosis | Work in Progress | Olmi D Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Effects of Different Cannabidiol (CBD) Oils on the Anti-Seizure Medication Phenytoin | Original Research | Parker S Student | Monday | |
 | Effects of Early Engagement with Opioid Treatment Programs on Successful Transitions of Care | Work in Progress | Brock T Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Efficacy and tolerability of KarXT (xanomeline/trospium) in a Phase 2 placebo-controlled trial in schizophrenia | Encore Presentation | Saklad S Pharmacist | Monday
| |
 | Efficacy of Esketamine in Conjunction with Adjunctive Atypical Antipsychotics in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder and Active Suicidal Ideation with Intent | Original Research | Kern Sliwa J Pharmacist | Monday
| |
 | Efficacy of Lumateperone (ITI-007) in Depression Symptoms Associated With Schizophrenia | Encore Presentation | Saleem A Non-Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Efficacy of Medication Means Restriction in Veterans with High-Risk Suicide Flags | Original Research | Porter L Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Eliminating Medications Through Patient Ownership of End Results (EMPOWER): A Reduction of Potentially Inappropriate Benzodiazepine Use In High-Risk Patients. | Work in Progress | Swanson R Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluating Pharmacotherapy Augmentation and Progression for the Treatment of Severe Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder | Work in Progress | Knebel J Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluating Psychotropic Medication Use in Pregnant Veterans with a Mental Illness | Work in Progress | Tiavises P Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluating The Efficacy and Safety of Switching from Onabotulinum Toxin Type A to Erenumab-aooe during COVID-19 | Work in Progress | Bockman S Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluating the Impact of a Prior Authorization Drug Request (PADR) Consult on Appropriate Initiation of Benzodiazepines Amongst Primary Care Providers | Work in Progress | Bright C Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluating the Impact of a Substance Use Disorder Clinical Pharmacy Specialist on Access to Care in a Mental Health Outpatient Treatment Program | Work in Progress | Wynn R Resident PGY2 | Tuesday
| |
 | Evaluating the Impact of Clinical Pharmacy Specialist in the Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder | Work in Progress | Maldonado C Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluating the Impact of Pharmacogenetic Testing on Medication Changes in Veterans with Mental Health Conditions | Original Research | Kuryluk V Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluating the Safety and Efficacy of Reducing Clozapine Blood Test Monitoring in Veterans Stable on Clozapine Therapy | Work in Progress | Le G Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluation of Atypical Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics for Substance-Induced Psychosis in a Veteran Population | Work in Progress | Roseberry S Resident PGY2 | Tuesday
| |
 | Evaluation of Buprenorphine for Medication Opioid Use Disorder in the Emergency Department | Innovative Practices | Reinstatler K Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluation of Clinical Pharmacist Management Trends for Depression | Work in Progress | Olesen A Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluation of Clozapine-Induced Constipation and COVID-19 | Work in Progress | Gleisner B Resident PGY2 | Tuesday
| |
 | Evaluation of Commercially Available Cannabidiol Oils on the Metabolism of Commonly Prescribed Opioid Medications | Original Research | Click C Student | Monday | |
 | Evaluation of Electrocardiogram (ECG) Monitoring in High Risk Patients Taking Known QTc Prolonging Drugs | Original Research | Maroney M Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Evaluation of Initial Prescribing of Benztropine or Diphenhydramine for Extrapyramidal Symptoms (EPS) in patients on Antipsychotic Therapy. | Work in Progress | Guo J Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluation of Once-Daily Opicapone 50 mg in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease and Motor Fluctuations: Pooled Efficacy and Safety Analyses of Two Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Studies (BIPARK-1 and BIPARK-2) | Encore Presentation | Jen E Non-Pharmacist | Monday
| |
 | Evaluation Of Oral Antipsychotics Adherence and Time To Decompensation Among Veterans With Schizophrenia | Work in Progress | Nguyen MK Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluation of Outcomes in the Emergency Department Following Implementation of a Rating Scale and Order Set for Acute Agitation | Work in Progress | Vora A Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluation of Patients with a Diagnosis of Opiate Use Disorder Without Medication Assisted Therapy | Work in Progress | Goins D Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluation of Pharmacogenomic Testing | Original Research | Borovicka M Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Evaluation of Pharmacogenomic Testing Utility on Restraint Use and Polypharmacy in a Forensic Psychiatric Hospital | Work in Progress | Caton M Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluation of Safety in Veterans Maintained on Clozapine with Nonstandard Absolute Neutrophil Count (ANC) Monitoring during the Corona Virus (COVID-19) Pandemic | Work in Progress | Mayer S Resident PGY2 | Tuesday
| |
 | Evaluation of The Appropriateness of Benzodiazepine (BZD) Prescribing. | Work in Progress | Bui AT Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluation of the Relationship Between Opioids and Suicidality Among Veterans | Work in Progress | Samek N Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluation of the Safety of Intranasal Esketamine in VA using a Real Time (Prospective) MUE. | Original Research | Fuller M Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Evaluation of Treatment Outcomes of Conversion to Aripiprazole Lauroxil from Aripiprazole Monohydrate | Work in Progress | Lombardi A Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluation of Z-Drug Use in Adult Patients at a Federally Qualified Health Center | Work in Progress | Ofuasia-Koroleva A Student | Monday
| |
 | Expanding Access to Clozapine in a Veterans Affairs Community Based Outpatient Clinic (VA CBOC) Setting | Work in Progress | Chalmers L Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Expanding Access to Naloxone with Student Pharmacists and Academic Detailing | Innovative Practices | Linder L Pharmacist | Monday
| |
 | Exploring Community Pharmacists’ Attitudes of Deregulating and Dispensing Methadone in Community Pharmacies | Work in Progress | Walker C Resident PGY1 | Tuesday
| |
 | Factors Associated with Treatment Response in Lamotrigine Prophylaxis in Patients with Bipolar Disorder | Work in Progress | Wu L Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Free and Total Serum Valproic Acid Concentrations: Association with Clinical Response and Toxicities | Work in Progress | Walkerly A Resident PGY2 | Finalist | |
 | Health and Wellness in Pharmacy Students During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Original Research | Nasser S Student | Monday | |
 | Healthcare Resource Utilization and Costs in Patients with Bipolar Disorder Treated with Lurasidone or Cariprazine: A Retrospective Analysis of Insurance Claims Data | Encore Presentation | Fan Q Non-Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Impact of a Neuropsychiatric Therapeutics Course and a Subsequent Case-Based Course on Mental Health Stigma among Pharmacy Students | Original Research | Sevak R Pharmacist | Finalist | |
 | Impact of a Pharmacist Driven Diabetes Monitoring Service in an Acute Psychiatric County Facility | Work in Progress | Barron A Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Impact of a Pharmacist-led Telemental Health Transitions of Care Clinic on Psychotropic Medication Adherence | Work in Progress | Figler B Resident PGY2 | Tuesday
| |
 | Impact of a Resident-driven Wellness Committee on Resident-perceived Wellness, Burnout, and Resilience | Work in Progress | Tillman F Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Impact of a Virtual Mental Health First Aid Elective Course on Stigma in Students of a Three-Year Doctor of Pharmacy Program | Work in Progress | Bozymski K Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Impact of Clozapine Monitoring Overrides Due to COVID-19 | Original Research | Glass A Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Health Care Utilization and Overall Stability of Patients with Schizophrenia/Schizoaffective Disorder | Work in Progress | Tuck (Chamberlain), Katie Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Impact of CYP2C19 Metabolizing Phenotypes on the Treatment of Anxiety and Depression with Sertraline, Escitalopram, or Citalopram | Work in Progress | Michalski K Student | Monday | |
 | Impact of Implementation of Stimulant Medication Order Menu on Psychostimulant Prescribing | Work in Progress | Fischer D Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Impact of Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotic Administration During Psychiatric Admission versus Deferral to Outpatient Care | Work in Progress | Fitzpatrick H Resident PGY2 | Tuesday
| |
 | Impact of Non-traditional vs Traditional Initiation Dosing Schedule of Paliperidone Palmitate on Readmission and Safety | Work in Progress | Kim E Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Impact of Pharmacist Interventions Related to the Safety of Long-term Corticosteroid Use in Myasthenia Gravis Patients | Work in Progress | Tungate S Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Impact of SARS-CoV-2 on Mental Health Education and the Adaptation to a Virtual Setting | Work in Progress | Canto S Student | Monday | |
 | Implementation of a long-acting injectable antipsychotic clinic at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center | Work in Progress | Brewer A Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Implementation of a Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Program within an Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital | Work in Progress | Bernu B Resident PGY2 | Tuesday
| |
 | Implementation of a Pharmacist as the Sole Prescriber in a Primary Care Mental Health Integration Clinic at a Federal Health Care Center | Work in Progress | Lee M Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Implementation of a Pharmacist-Led Intervention for the Treatment of Alcohol Use Disorder | Work in Progress | Gidal A Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Implementation of a Psychiatric Pharmacist in the Emergency Department | Work in Progress | Johnson-Bacon M Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Implementation of Depression Screenings at a University-Affiliated Community Pharmacy with COVID-19 Procedure | Work in Progress | Bhandari D Student | Monday | |
 | Implementation of Pharmacy Services in Achieving Optimized Compliance to IPFQR Tobacco Use Measures | Innovative Practices | Ramirez M Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Implementation of Therapeutic Drug Monitoring in Patients on Dual Second Generation Antipsychotics in a Correctional Setting | Innovative Practices | Stocks A Resident PGY2 | Tuesday
| |
 | Improvements in the Inpatient to Outpatient Transitions of Care Process for Patients Prescribed Clozapine | Work in Progress | Davis H Resident PGY1 | Tuesday
| |
 | Improving Acute Alcohol Withdrawal Syndrome Management in a Community Based Hospital | Work in Progress | Daniel N Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Improving Hospital-wide Prescribing Practices through Pharmacist-initiated Physician Peer Comparison Letters | Innovative Practices | Davis E Pharmacist | Finalist | |
 | Influence of Chronobiotic-dosed Melatonin on Key Outcomes During Major Cognitive Disorder-related Geriatric Admissions | Work in Progress | Mandarino M Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Initiation of a Benzodiazepine Tapering Clinic for Veterans with Opioid and Alcohol Use Disorders | Work in Progress | DeRosa A Resident PGY2 | Tuesday
| |
 | Initiation of Antipsychotic Treatment for Amphetamine Induced Psychosis and its Impact on Length of Stay | Work in Progress | Herbst C Resident PGY2 | Tuesday
| |
 | Institution of an Acute Agitation Order Set at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center | Work in Progress | Wilkoff H Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Integration of Mental Health Clinical Pharmacy Specialists to Limit Access to Lethal Means in Veterans Identified as High Risk for Suicide | Work in Progress | Key P Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Long- and Short-Term Disability and Workers' Compensation Trends for Employees with Mental Disorders in the United States | Original Research | Brook R Non-Pharmacist | Monday
| |
 | Long- and Short-Term Disability and Workers' Compensation Trends for Employees with Substance Abuse Mental Disorders in the United States | Original Research | Brook R Non-Pharmacist | Monday
| |
 | Long-Term Antipsychotic Efficacy of Olanzapine and Samidorphan Combination in Patients With Schizophrenia: Pooled Analyses From Phase 3 Studies | Encore Presentation | McDonnell D Non-Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Long-Term Safety of Olanzapine and Samidorphan Combination in Patients With Schizophrenia: Pooled Analyses From Phase 2 and 3 Studies | Encore Presentation | McDonnell D Non-Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Long-Term Weight and Metabolic Effects of Olanzapine and Samidorphan Combination in Patients With Schizophrenia: Pooled Analyses From Phase 3 Studies | Encore Presentation | Graham C Non-Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Longitudinal Assessment of Pharmacy Student Attitudes Towards Mental Illness | Work in Progress | Dillon J Student | Monday | |
 | Lumateperone (ITI-007) in the Treatment of Bipolar Depression: Results from a Randomized Clinical Trial | Encore Presentation | Loo B Non-Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Metabolic Monitoring in Active-Duty Soldiers Prescribed Second-Generation Antipsychotics: A Quality Improvement Project | Original Research | Burgess M Student | Monday | |
 | Montelukast and Risk for Antidepressant Treatment Failure | Original Research | Chung H Resident PGY2 | Tuesday
| |
 | Olanzapine and Gabapentin Combination Treatment for the Relief of Intractable Hiccups: A Case Report | Therapeutic Case Report | Fahmy M Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Olanzapine or Clozapine with Valproic Acid Treatment in patients with Severe Mental Illness (SMI) and the Risk of COVID-19 infection at a State Psychiatric Hospital: a retrospective case control study | Work in Progress | Pham H Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Olanzapine-Induced Elevated Liver Function Tests in a Patient Treated for Antidepressant-Induced Mania: A Case Report | Therapeutic Case Report | Alam E Student | Monday | |
 | Opioid Overdose Responder Training: Expanding Undergraduate Student Understanding and Awareness of Naloxone Use | Work in Progress | Modany M Student | Monday | |
 | Outcomes of Buprenorphine/Naloxone Assisted Treatment in Veterans with Opioid Use Disorder | Work in Progress | Burton C Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Outcomes of Opioid and Benzodiazepine Co-Prescribing After a Prior Authorization Consult Implementation | Work in Progress | Chacon M Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Perceptions and Efficacy of Brexanolone for the Treatment of Postpartum Depression: A Mixed Methods Analysis | Work in Progress | Salwan A Resident PGY2 | Tuesday
| |
 | Perceptions of Adverse Drug Reactions amongst Healthcare Professionals within Inpatient State Psychiatric Facilities | Original Research | ODonnell C Resident PGY1 | Finalist | |
 | Persistency and Outcomes of Pharmacist-led Screening, Brief intervention, and Referral to Treatment for Heavy Drinking in a VA Ambulatory Care Clinic | Work in Progress | Bast A Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Pharmacist Attitudes Towards Transgender Patients | Work in Progress | Smith N Student | Monday | |
 | Pharmacist Initiated Medication Reconciliation | Innovative Practices | Thomas M Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Pharmacist Provision of Education and Recommendations for Medications for Alcohol Use Disorder (MAUD) on an Inpatient Medical Unit | Work in Progress | Janson M Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Pharmacist versus Non-Pharmacist Management on Antidepressant Adherence Rates and Associated Outcomes Among Veterans with Depressive Disorders | Work in Progress | Pierce M Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Pharmacist-managed Cardiovascular Risk Reduction Outcomes in Individuals Experiencing Serious Mental Illness and Diabetes Compared to Other Provider-managed Primary Care | Work in Progress | Wakefield A Resident PGY2 | Tuesday
| |
 | Pharmacists Knowledge and Attitudes Regarding Cannabidiol Uses, Risks, and Adverse Events | Work in Progress | McHugh T Student | Monday | |
 | Pharmacists’ Impact on Optimization of Benzodiazepine Use and Polypharmacy at Oregon State Hospital | Work in Progress | Keivani M Resident PGY1 | Tuesday
| |
 | Pharmacists’ Impact on Psychotropic Use in a Veterans Affairs Community Living Center | Work in Progress | Ibrahim H Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Pharmacists’ Utilization of Prescriptive Authority of Naloxone and Tobacco Cessation Products in Idaho | Original Research | Boyle J Pharmacist | Finalist | |
 | Pharmacogenetic Testing Implementation in a Rural Pediatric Psychiatric Hospital | Original Research | Leitch T Student | Monday | |
 | Portrayal of Autism Spectrum Disorders and Related Treatments in Qatar's Printed Media | Original Research | Zolezzi M Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Prazosin Versus Clonidine for Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Associated Nightmares | Work in Progress | Tran T Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Predictors of Persistence and Adherence to Deutetrabenazine Among Patients With Huntington’s Disease | Original Research | Leo S Pharmacist | Monday
| |
 | Predictors of Persistence and Adherence to Deutetrabenazine Among Patients With Tardive Dyskinesia | Original Research | Leo S Pharmacist | Monday
| |
 | Prenatal Cannabinoid Exposure Mediated Effects On Cerebellar Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial Function In Adolescent Rat Offspring | Original Research | Hall J Student | Monday
| |
 | Prescribing Delays in Clozapine and Associated Outcomes | Original Research | Jones J Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Prospective Pilot Study on the Clinical and Financial Outcomes of Expanding Clinical Pharmacy Services at an Inpatient Behavioral Health Center | Innovative Practices | Wilkoff H Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Psychiatric Drug-Nutrient Interactions Of Vitamin D: A Retrospective Study | Work in Progress | Allen Reeves A Fellow | Tuesday | |
 | Psychiatric Emergency Services Recidivism and Discharge Medications | Original Research | Song Y Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Publication Rates of PGY-2 Psychiatric Pharmacy Residency Projects and Perceived Barriers/Value to Publication | Work in Progress | Antley D Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Quality of Patient Care by Converting to Injectable Antipsychotics with Longer Duration of Actions During COVID-19 Pandemic | Innovative Practices | Mellado Q Resident PGY2 | Finalist | |
 | Quantifying Anticholinergic Burden and Assessing Its Relationship With Cognitive Function in Women With and Without Schizophrenia | Work in Progress | Batongbakal L Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Racial Demographics of Patients Who Received More Than One Dose of One-Time As-Needed Injectable Antipsychotics | Work in Progress | Oakes T Student | Monday | |
 | Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled, Fixed-Dose, Parallel Group Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of the Amphetamine Extended-Release Tablet (AMPH ER TAB) in Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder | Encore Presentation | Kando J Pharmacist | Monday
| |
 | Readmission Rates for Methamphetamine-Positive Patients Receiving Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics (LAIAs) | Work in Progress | Ackerman H Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Readmission Rates of Patients Discharged from Adult Psychiatric Facilities Prescribed a Second Generation Long-acting Injectable Antipsychotic Compared to the Oral Formulation | Work in Progress | Accomando M Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Real-World Adherence to Tetrabenazine or Deutetrabenazine Among Patients With Huntington’s Disease | Encore Presentation | Leo S Pharmacist | Monday
| |
 | Relationship between Pharmacy Student Engagement in Curricular and Co-curricular Activities and Wellbeing | Original Research | DeJongh B Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Relationship of Frequency of Lithium Administration on Time in Therapeutic Range and Treatment Effectiveness | Work in Progress | Pucci S Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Response and Adverse Effects of Intranasal Esketamine on a Patient Cohort in a Hospital Outpatient Clinic: A Descriptive Study. | Work in Progress | Sanchez T Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Role of Impaired Glucose Metabolism in Treatment Outcomes for Patients with Bipolar Disorder | Work in Progress | Mosley B Resident PGY2 | Tuesday
| |
 | Ropinirole-Induced Amnesia and Hallucinations: A Case Report | Therapeutic Case Report | Weiss J Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Scoping Review of Policies Regarding Use of Medications for Opioid-use Disorder in Professional Recovery Programs | Original Research | White K Student | Monday
| |
 | Seizure secondary to Fluzone Quadrivalent vaccination in a patient with severe mental illness: A case report | Therapeutic Case Report | Palmieri A Student | Monday | |
 | Societal Burden Associated with Schizophrenia Relapse among US Veterans | Original Research | Benson C Non-Pharmacist | Monday
| |
 | Specialty Pharmacist Management and Monitoring of Prescription Cannabidiol | Original Research | Johnson K Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Stimulant Prescribing Management at a Large Outpatient Facility | Work in Progress | Wachter M Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Stress and Substance Use Among Doctor of Pharmacy Students in a College of Pharmacy | Original Research | Borovicka M Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Suicide Prevention Training “Boosters” for Student Pharmacists: Evaluation with SAVE Training | Original Research | Barvian C Student | Monday | |
 | Survey of Non-Controlled Medication Misuse Patterns | Work in Progress | Slane A Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Telepsychiatry for Assessing and Managing Tardive Dyskinesia: Expert Insights from a Cross-Disciplinary Virtual Treatment Panel | Original Research | Shah C Non-Pharmacist | Monday
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 | The COVID-19 Pandemic’s Differential Impact on the Stress Levels of Faculty Versus Administrators of US Pharmacy Schools. | Original Research | Sevak R Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | The Effects of Amantadine on Individuals with Dementia-related Behaviors | Original Research | Crouse E Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | The Impact of Atypical Antipsychotic Nomenclature on Patients With Bipolar Disorder: Results of a Nationwide Patient Survey | Encore Presentation | Piccolo T Non-Pharmacist | Monday
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 | The Impact of Early Initiation of Clozapine in Veterans With Psychotic Disorders on Hospitalization, Psychiatric Hospitalization, and Mortality Rate | Work in Progress | Huynh H Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | The Impact of Pharmacy Students' Understanding of Psychiatry on Personal Growth and Patient Treatment | Original Research | Crouse E Student | Monday | |
 | The Impact of Pharmacy-Driven Physician Naloxone Training on an Inpatient Psychiatric Unit | Original Research | Khorassani F Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | The Impact of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) on Patient Violence and Aggression: A Retrospective Analysis | Work in Progress | ODonnell C Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | The Impact of Social Restrictions during COVID-19 on the use of as-needed/one-time (PRN/OT) psychotropic medications in an inpatient state psychiatric hospital | Work in Progress | Palmieri A Student | Monday | |
 | The Systematic Analysis of Psychiatric Outcomes in Patients Converted from 1-month to 3-month Paliperidone Palmitate Long-Acting Injections | Work in Progress | Louie L Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Topiramate-Induced Renal Calculus in a Patient with Schizoaffective Disorder: A Case Report and Review of the Literature for Drug-Induced Renal Calculi | Therapeutic Case Report | Apping C Student | Monday | |
 | Toxic Clozapine Level as First Indication of Decreased Clearance During Severe, Acute Illness: An evaluation of concentration-to-dose ratios | Therapeutic Case Report | Davis E Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Trends in Absence Time and Payments Due to Long- and Short-Term Disability and Workers' Compensation for Employees with Multiple Sclerosis in the United States | Original Research | Brook R Non-Pharmacist | Monday
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 | Trends in the Prescribing Patterns of Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics within a Psychiatric Community Health System | Work in Progress | Poole E Resident PGY2 | Tuesday
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 | Understanding the Impact of COVID-19 on Schizophrenia Population Health Management: A Mixed-methods Study of Population Health Decision Makers | Original Research | Benson C Non-Pharmacist | Monday
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 | Use of Prescription Cannabidiol for the Management of Seizure Disorders at an Integrated Care Center | Original Research | Johnson K Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Use of Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Zinc, and Melatonin as Synergistic Adjuvant Therapy in patients with COVID-19 infection at a psychiatric hospital: a retrospective study | Work in Progress | Pham H Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Using Item 8 of the Abnormal Involuntary Movement Scale (AIMS) to Assess Improvement in Patients with Tardive Dyskinesia | Encore Presentation | Shah C Non-Pharmacist | Monday
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 | Utilizing MHFA-trained Student Pharmacists to Conduct Depression Screenings | Work in Progress | Shook A Student | Monday | |
 | Virtual Burnout: The Impact of Virtual Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic on Perceived Stress Among Minority Pharmacy Students in an Urban Setting | Encore Presentation | Taylor A Student | Monday | |
 | Vitamin D Monitoring and Supplementation in Psychiatric Inpatients During the COVID-19 Pandemic | Innovative Practices | Thomas M Pharmacist | Monday | |