New Mexico VA Health Care System, Albuquerque, NM
Last updated: 11/03/2022
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Wesley D Campbell2 years as an RPD
1501 San Pedro Dr SE
Albuquerque, NM 87108
Primary Practice: Inpatient psychiatry
4 PGY1 position
1 PGY2 Psychiatry position
Phone: 505-265-1711 x6861
Email: wesley.campbell2@va.gov
Maximum Number of Positions
- PGY1: 4
- PGY2 Psychiatry: 1
- PGY2 Neurology: 0
Program Details
- Primary Practice Site: VAMC
- PGY2 Required Practice Settings: 60% Inpatient / 40% Outpatient
- ASHP Accreditation Status: Yes (code: 86004)
- NMS Participant: Yes (code: 681866)
- Program Inception: 2013
- Application Deadline: 01/23/2023
- Starting Date: 07/03/2023
- Estimated Stipend: $45,515
- Financial Support for AAPP Annual Meeting: Partial Support
- Fringe Benefits: Health insurance, 13 days of annual leave (aka, vacation time), 13 days of sick leave, 11 paid federal holiday
- Interviews Required: Yes
- Offers pre-commitment: Yes, for highly-motivated residents from our PGY1 class
Special Requirements for Application
- PharmD
- Completion of PGY1 Residency OR equivalent experience
- College transcripts
- Curriculum vitae
- Letters of recommendation (3)
- US Citizenship
PGY2 Rotations offered
- Administration
- Adult inpatient psychiatry
- Adult outpatient psychiatry
- Consultation liaison psychiatry
- Chronic, intermediate, or extended inpatient psychiatry
- Geriatric psychiatry
- Neurology
- Pain management
- Specialty clinic
- Substance abuse
PGY2 Features
- PGY2 Staffing Component: No (or N/A)
- PGY2 Teaching Component: Yes, Optional
- PGY2 Teaching Certificate Program: Yes, Optional
- PGY2 Other Features: Cookies, cakes, breads, pies (including crumble top apple-green chili); we also cater to vegan and gluten-free trainees.
New Mexico is also a gorgeous place to live with sunshine and temperate weather most of the year.
We offer lots of teaching opportunities (pharmacy students, psychiatry interns, NP/PA residents, other pharmacy staff) if you're interested in that; also, plenty of chances to nerd out about psychopharmacology.
- PGY2 Preceptors: 3 BCPPs, 4 Other Pharmacists, 2 Non-Pharmacists
PGY1 Elective Rotations offered
PGY1 Special Features
Separate inpatient and outpatient psychiatry rotations available for PGY1 residents looking to explore their interest in these areas
Program Philosophy
We know you have your pick of residencies with fancy slogans and promises, we here at the NMVAHCS like to keep it simple. The bottom line is, we’ll train you to be a highly knowledgeable, patient-focused, team-playing, medication-optimizing psychiatric pharmacotherapy guru. Oh, and the RPD also bakes goodies like every week.
Site Special Features
We're affiliated with the University of New Mexico College of Pharmacy, College of Nursing, and School of Medicine with many, many trainees from all sorts of disciplines. You'll get to train with all of these awesome individuals in a comprehensive treatment team.