On or before Thursday, November 7 at 5pm CST, applicants must submit:  

  1. A current Curriculum Vitae (CV) 
  2. Attest to AAPP’s Honor Code and Code of Conduct  
  3. Submit a 1,000 or less word personal essay containing:
    1. Information on the DEI-related initiative to include a description of:
      1. The initiative including purpose, dates, location, and target audience 
      2. Goals of the initiative 
      3. How success was measured 
      4. Outcomes measured and realized, if any 
      5. Impact of project/initiative 
      6. Future plans
      7. How this initiative is innovative and, if applicable, how it adds to the currently available literature.  
    2. Degree of alignment with AAPP’s DEI Statement/Goals.
    3. Which self-identified under-represented group applicant belongs to (if applicable).  
    4. A summary of the financial barriers the candidate is experiencing to attending the AAPP Annual Meeting. Among other information:
      1. Explain to what extent your employer pays/contributes to your attendance costs 
      2. If you’ve attended the AAPP Annual Meeting in the last 3 years, please explain how your situation has changed.

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