#CPNP2022 is Where Pharmacy and Psychiatry Meet...

...and We're Celebrating 25 Years!

San Antonio Marriott Rivercenter or online at cpnp.org/2022
April 24-27, 2022

We are excited about the opportunity to bring people together from around the world to learn about the advances in psychiatric pharmacy, either in-person OR virtually! The CPNP Annual Meeting is focused on psychiatric pharmacotherapy and is the perfect educational event for psychiatric pharmacists, nurses, nurse practitioners, and anyone who wants to expand their expert knowledge and practice in psychopharmacology and medication management for patients living with mental illness, neurologic disorders, and/or substance use disorders. A range of cutting-edge topics will be offered as well as recertification for Board Certified Psychiatric Pharmacists (BCPPs). Highlights include:

27+ hours of ACPE-approved programming
5-hour Clinical Application Series for BCPP recertification credit
250+ posters of cutting-edge research
7 Idea Exchanges to discuss current issues
5 hours of dedicated networking time

Live-Streamed Programming


Networking Opportunities


25th Anniversary Celebration


Poster Sessions
& Virtual Viewing

(in-person & virtual attendees)