| 5-HT2C Receptors Contribute to Viloxazine’s Effects on ADHD-relevant Behaviors in Rats on the 5-Choice Serial Reaction Time Task | Encore Presentation | Earnest J Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | A Convergent, Parallel, Mixed Methods Study to Identify Barriers to Access to Mental Health Care in the Haitian Population of a Midwestern Academic Medical Center | Work in Progress | Torchon R Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | A Prescription Digital Therapeutic, CT-152, for Treating Major Depressive Disorder: Effectiveness and Safety Results of the MIRAI Randomized Controlled Trial | Encore Presentation | Perez M Non-Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | A Randomized, Open Label, Multiple-dose, Two-way Study to Evaluate Bioavailability of Clonidine HCl Extended-release Oral Suspension compared to Clonidine HCl Extended-release Tablets | Encore Presentation | Malik H Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | A Retrospective Comparison of Initiation with Intramuscular Paliperidone Palmitate LAI and Subcutaneous Risperidone LAI on 30-day Readmission Rates in a Behavioral Health Inpatient Treatment Facility | Work in Progress | Fregoso I Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | A Retrospective Evaluation of Benzodiazepine Tapering Practices and Outcomes in Veterans Following Chronic Use at a Level 1A Federal Healthcare System | Work in Progress | Mai A Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | A Retrospective Review of As-Needed Medications and Their Role in Predicting Aggression in Forensic Psychiatric Patients | Work in Progress | Morgan G Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | A Review of the Delivery Technologies used in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Stimulant Medications | Encore Presentation | Malik H Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Adjunctive Lumateperone in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder: Results From an Additional Randomized, Double-Blind, Phase 3 Trial | Encore Presentation | mastromihalis e Non-Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Advancing Schizophrenia Treatment: A Modified Delphi Consensus on The Critical Role of Psychiatric Pharmacists in Prescription Digital Therapeutics | Work in Progress | Rickles N Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Alternative Modes of Administration for Once-Daily Valbenazine to Treat Tardive Dyskinesia or Chorea Associated With Huntington’s Disease in Patients Experiencing Dysphagia | Encore Presentation | Holman C Non-Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | An Evaluation of Buprenorphine Transition Strategies in a Pharmacist-Led Chronic Pain Clinic | Work in Progress | Grout K Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Analysis of Correlation Between Total Anticholinergic Load and As-Needed Medication Administrations in an Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital | Work in Progress | Grillo C Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Antimicrobial Exposure and Risk for Major Depressive Disorder Recurrence | Original Research | Bowman A Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Antipsychotic Prescribing Patterns in Dual Diagnosis Patients on ED Discharge | Original Research | Ley M Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Appropriateness of Antipsychotic Long Acting Injectable (LAI) Prescribing, Monitoring, and Administration at VA Northern California Health Care System (VANCHCS) | Work in Progress | Hovhannisyan Romero E Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Aripiprazole Levels After Inadvertent Administration of Aripiprazole lauroxil 1064 mg in the Deltoid Muscle: a case report | Therapeutic Case Report | Davis E Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Aripiprazole, A Partial Dopamine Agonist Antipsychotic, and Its Effects on Psychosis When Used Concomitantly with Full Dopamine Antagonist Antipsychotics | Work in Progress | Posey K Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | As-Needed Medication Use for Agitation and Psychosis Across Valproic Acid Formulations | Original Research | Ley M Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Assessing the Impact of Naloxone Training for Students, Faculty, and Staff within a School of Pharmacy | Original Research | Barlow P Student | Monday | |
 | Assessing the Impact of Patient Health Questionnaire-9 and General Anxiety Disorder-7 Monitoring in Outpatient Depression and Anxiety | Work in Progress | Christensen B Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Assessing the Pharmacist's Role in Harm Reduction via Clinical Exposure | Original Research | Chapa S Student | Monday | |
 | Attitudes Towards Pharmacy Amongst Those That Actively Inject Drugs | Original Research | Chapa S Student | Monday | |
 | Atypical Antipsychotic Associated Weight Gain for Autism Spectrum Disorder Irritability | Work in Progress | Quesinberry E Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Awareness and Perceptions of Fentanyl Criminalization Policies: A Survey Report | Original Research | Gable K Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Barriers to Utilization of Clozapine versus Antipsychotic Polypharmacy in a State Hospital System | Work in Progress | Coudron G Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Budget Impact analysis of Xanomeline and Trospium Chloride for the Treatment of Adults with Schizophrenia in the US | Encore Presentation | Boland P Non-Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Buspirone Use Evaluation at an Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital | Original Research | Achyutuni K Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Characterization of Medications Prescribed for Agitation in a Psychiatric ICU | Work in Progress | Bergeron K Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Clinical Outcomes of Long-Acting Injectables in People Experiencing Homelessness | Work in Progress | Banawis M Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Clozapine Continuity: The Key to Stability Amid Command Hallucinations and Detrimental Self-Injury | Therapeutic Case Report | Mayberry K Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Clozapine-Induced Eosinopenia in Patients with Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia: Case Series and Literature Review | Therapeutic Case Report | Nelson LA Pharmacist | Finalist | |
 | Cobalamin Conundrum: How low can B12 go? | Therapeutic Case Report | Crouse E Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Commercially Insured Patient Profiles and Risk Factors Attributing to Non-Adherence Amongst Opioid Use Disorder Patients (OUD) Treated with Monthly Injectable Buprenorphine: A Retrospective Claims Analysis | Original Research | Flynn C Non-Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Community Pharmacy-Based Long-Acting Injectable (LAI) Service Reimbursement | Work in Progress | Wolfe M Fellow | Tuesday | |
 | Comparison of High-Dose Olanzapine and Standard-Dose Olanzapine in Adult Patients at a County Psychiatric Hospital (A Continuation Study) | Work in Progress | Benbarka T Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Compatibility of Administering Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics in Community Pharmacies across Washington State | Original Research | English C Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Continuing Professional Development Self-Reporting by Board-Certified Psychiatric Pharmacists | Work in Progress | LaNou E Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | CT-152, a Prescription Digital Therapeutic for Major Depressive Disorder: A Real-World Analysis of Durability of Treatment Effect | Encore Presentation | Thomas M Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Describing Intravenous Ketamine Response for Treatment-Resistant Depression or Major Depressive Disorder with Suicidal Ideation in Intranasal Esketamine Non-Responders | Work in Progress | Smith S Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Determining the Average Anticholinergic Burden in Inpatient Psychiatric Patients Across Various Age Groups | Work in Progress | clements s Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Development of a Pharmacist-Led Pediatric Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotic (LAI-A) Treatment Program | Work in Progress | Britton T Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Development of a Scoring Tool to Identify High-Risk Discharges in Psychiatric Transitions of Care | Work in Progress | Robinson T Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Early Improvement of Symptoms in Bipolar I Depression Predicts Functional Response and Recovery: A Post Hoc Analysis | Encore Presentation | Cobb A Non-Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Education on Proper Administration of Transmucosal Buprenorphine to Improve Dental Adverse Outcomes in Patients with OUD | Innovative Practices | Moon C Student | Monday | |
 | Effect of Antipsychotic Initiation on Psychotic Symptoms in Patients Using Stimulants: A Retrospective Chart Review | Work in Progress | Tayag M Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Effectiveness of Pharm.D.-Integrated Mental Health Courses for Improving Perceptions of Mental Health Conditions Among Pharmacy Students | Original Research | Maroney M Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Effects of Injectable Calcitonin Gene Related Peptide-Antagonists on Migraine-Associated Cost Burden | Work in Progress | Chappell J Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Efficacy and Safety of Esketamine Nasal Spray as Monotherapy in Adult Patients with Treatment-Resistant Depression for up to 4-Months of Treatment: A Post Hoc Analysis | Encore Presentation | Verbanac J Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Efficacy of Mirtazapine Versus Clonidine for Resistant PTSD Nightmares in Veterans: An Observational Study | Work in Progress | Hartle M Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Enhancing Clinical Vigilance: Utilizing the Simpson-Angus Scale in Provider Trainings for Detection of Parkinsonian Symptoms in Antipsychotic Treatment in Outpatient Mental Health Settings | Work in Progress | Al-chokhachi Z Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Enhancing Naloxone Distribution and Education to At-Risk Veterans Through Utilization of AudioCARE Technology | Work in Progress | Bhatia I Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Establishing and Evaluating a Clinical Pharmacist’s Role in an Outpatient Geropsychiatry Clinic | Work in Progress | Salvatore J Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluating A Pharmacist Driven Clozapine Best Practices Standardization in Inpatient Psychiatry Units | Work in Progress | Lewis R Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluating Concurrent Benzodiazepine and Opioid Use after an Educational Intervention in Eligible Veterans at a Veterans Affair Outpatient Health Care System | Work in Progress | Bozhkova I Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluating the Administration of One-time Order Intramuscular Antipsychotics Amongst Different Racial Groups Within Adult Inpatient Psychiatric Units | Work in Progress | Chapman C Student | Finalist | |
 | Evaluating the Effectiveness and Safety of Cariprazine on Inpatient Psychiatry: A Medication Use Review | Work in Progress | Keane S Student | Monday | |
 | Evaluating the Effects of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 (GLP-1) Receptor Agonists on Substance Use Disorders | Work in Progress | Lesman F Student | Monday | |
 | Evaluating the Perceived Value of Psychiatric Clinical Pharmacist Specialist Services | Work in Progress | Rana R Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluating the Transition from Full Agonist Opioid to Buprenorphine for Management of Veterans on Long Term Opioid Therapy for Chronic Pain | Work in Progress | Murchison M Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluating the Understandability, Actionability, Quality, and Readability of AI-Generated Health Information on Eating Disorders: A Comparative Analysis of ChatGPT Free and Pro Versions | Original Research | Sturdevant R Student | Monday | |
 | Evaluating the Use of Sexually Transmitted Infection Testing in a Psychiatric Hospital | Original Research | Zecopoulos A Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluating the Utility of a Retrospective, Pharmacy-Initiated Medication Reconciliation Process | Work in Progress | Holloway H Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluation and Optimization of Medication Management to Prevent Restraint Episodes in Adult Patients Admitted to an Inpatient Psychiatric Facility | Work in Progress | Franco G Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluation and Reduction of Pill Burden in the Inpatient Psychiatric Setting | Work in Progress | Faro K Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluation of Midazolam Efficacy as an Alternative for Lorazepam for Management of Acute Agitation in Behavioral Health Patients | Work in Progress | Nguyen M Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluation of Naloxone Kits Prescribed to Patients Diagnosed With Stimulant Use Disorder | Original Research | Rovelo M Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluation of Paliperidone Palmitate Loading Doses in Adult Patients with Reduced versus Normal Renal Function at a Stand-Alone Psychiatric Hospital | Original Research | Thomas C Resident PGY2 | Finalist | |
 | Evaluation of Patient Outcomes Associated with Administration of Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics in the Inpatient Psychiatric Setting | Original Research | Hoskins E Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluation of Pharmacy Means Reduction for Veterans Enrolled in the High Risk for Suicide Program | Work in Progress | Patel N Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluation of Psychiatric Pharmacists’ Perspectives of Medical and Recreational Cannabis | Original Research | Chou I Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Evaluation of the Appropriateness of Haloperidol Decanoate Dosing in Inpatients with Serious Mental Illness | Work in Progress | Lim G Student | Monday | |
 | Evaluation of the Distribution of Naloxone Kits in Patients Diagnosed with Opioid Use Disorder | Work in Progress | Okwunwanne Z Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluation of the Feasibility and Potential Impact of Providing Ambulatory Alcohol Withdrawal Management Within A VA Medical Center | Work in Progress | Sjoblom V Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluation of the Utilization of Pharmacological Treatment for Alcohol Use Disorder in an At-Risk Outpatient Veteran Population | Work in Progress | Mashburn C Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Evaluation of Therapeutic Indication and Utilization of Lamotrigine in an Inpatient Psychiatric Hospital | Original Research | Meinert A Student | Monday | |
 | Exploring Mental Health Service Utilization and Challenges Among Graduate Students in Healthcare Programs: A Cross-Sectional Study | Work in Progress | Hunter I Student | Monday | |
 | Factors Associated With Delta-8 Tetrahydrocannabinol Admission To A Behavioral Health Hospital | Work in Progress | Nwobi E Student | Monday | |
 | Factors Influencing Hospital Length of Stay in Patients Receiving New Lithium Therapy for Acute Bipolar Illness at an Inpatient Psychiatric Facility | Work in Progress | Cordell W Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Identification and Assessment of Mental Health-Related Stigma in Relation to Mental Health Diagnosis and Medication Use Among College Students | Original Research | Hopkins H Student | Monday | |
 | Impact of a Board-Certified Psychiatric Pharmacist Integrated into a Team-Based Outpatient Psychiatry Clinic | Innovative Practices | Corapi J Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Impact of a Mental Health Clinical Pharmacist Practitioner on Patient Outcomes at a Veterans Substance Abuse Treatment Team Clinic | Innovative Practices | Nguyen T Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Impact of a Pharmacy Mental Health Practitioner on an Inpatient Psychiatry Consultation Liaison Service | Innovative Practices | Ferro H Pharmacist | Finalist | |
 | Impact of a Text Message Intervention on Naloxone Prescriptions for Individuals with Stimulant Use Disorder | Work in Progress | Davis L Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Impact of Ambulatory Care Psychiatry Pharmacist Medication Reviews and Histories | Innovative Practices | Matecki C Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Impact of Esketamine Therapy Discontinuation on Depression Stability in Veterans with Treatment Resistant Depression | Work in Progress | Hakala M Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Impact of Inpatient Pharmacist-Led Metabolic Monitoring in Patients Administered Antipsychotics | Original Research | Schultz J Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Impact of Patient Demographics on Prescribing Practices on an Inpatient Child and Adolescent Psychiatric Unit | Work in Progress | Prohaska N Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Impact of Patient Variables and Time of Day on Clozapine Serum Concentrations Using a Novel Immunoassay Platform | Work in Progress | Todd J Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Impact of Pharmacist Clinical Monitoring of Lithium in an Inpatient Psychiatric Setting | Work in Progress | Plourde M Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Impact of Psychiatry Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience on Student Pharmacist Apprehensions Towards Psychiatry | Original Research | Liu M Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Impact of Social Determinants of Health on Escalation to Antipsychotic Polypharmacy in Outpatient Mental Health Clinics | Original Research | Grout K Resident PGY2 | Finalist | |
 | Impact of the Integration of a Clinical Pharmacy Specialist into a Ketamine Infusion Clinic for Treatment-Resistant Depression | Work in Progress | Sutter T Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Implementation and Evaluation of Pharmacist-Led Pharmacogenomic Testing for Antidepressant Therapy in Patients with Treatment Resistant Depression at a Single-Center Veteran Affairs Hospital | Work in Progress | Duncan S Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Implementation of a Pharmacist Led Clinic in Outpatient Mental Health | Work in Progress | Hanson L Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Implementation of a Syringe Services Program (SSP) at a Rural Veterans Affairs Medical Center and Outpatient Clinics: A Harm Reduction Project | Work in Progress | Gonzalez J Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Implementing Esketamine: A Pilot Study for Enhancing Treatment-Resistant Depression Care in a Health System | Work in Progress | Butterfield A Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Improving Access to Naloxone for Patients with Stimulant Use Disorder | Work in Progress | Geesey M Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Improving Laboratory Monitoring Compliance in Patients Prescribed Antipsychotics, Lithium, or Divalproex Sodium with Pharmacist-Led Intervention | Work in Progress | Nguyen E Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Improving SUD Harm Reduction Efforts in Community Pharmacies via an Asynchronous Education Program | Work in Progress | Nichols S Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Increasing Access to Pharmacogenomics Testing to Veterans with Mental Health Disorders | Work in Progress | Tran N Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Integration of a Psychiatric Pharmacist into a Pediatric Psychiatric Emergency Department and Novel Outpatient Crisis Clinic | Innovative Practices | Lemons A Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Integration of Mental Health Clinical Pharmacist Practitioner into Inpatient Substance Use Disorder Consult Team to Expand Substance Use Disorder Pharmacotherapy Initiation for Hospitalized Patients | Innovative Practices | Epland C Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Investigating the trends in novel designer drug use in Los Angeles County from 2020-2023 | Work in Progress | Prakaiphetkul J Student | Monday | |
 | Long-term Dexamethasone in the Treatment of Secondary Epilepsy due to Grade 4 Astrocytoma IDH Mutant | Therapeutic Case Report | MOHAM E Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Long-Term Safety and Efficacy of Xanomeline and Trospium Chloride in Schizophrenia: Results from the 52-Week, Open-Label EMERGENT-4 Trial | Encore Presentation | Finocchio B Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Long-Term Safety, Tolerability, and Efficacy of Xanomeline and Trospium Chloride in People With Schizophrenia: Results From the 52-Week, Open-Label EMERGENT-5 Trial | Encore Presentation | Miranda Valdes Y Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Louisiana Community Pharmacist Knowledge and Attitudes Toward Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) for Opioid Use Disorder: A Qualitative Study | Work in Progress | Maestri, Thomas (Tommy) Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Low-Dose Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists to Reverse Antipsychotic-Induced Weight Gain in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus | Original Research | Silvia R Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Lumateperone as Adjunctive Therapy in Patients With Major Depressive Disorder: Results From a Randomized, Double-Blind, Phase 3 Trial | Encore Presentation | Martin M Non-Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Medication Adherence Following Pharmacogenomic Testing in Insurance Claims Data from Patients with Major Depressive Disorder | Encore Presentation | Socco S Non-Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Medication Superhero Group on an Inpatient Child Psychiatry Unit | Innovative Practices | Accomando M Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Monitoring Pharmacogenomic Interventions in the Mental Health Setting at a Veterans Affairs Hospital | Work in Progress | Tseng A Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Nonprescription Syringe and Over-the-Counter Naloxone Availability in Community Pharmacies: A Secret Shopper Purchase Audit in Austin, TX | Encore Presentation | Loera L Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Not just a weight loss drug-Exploring the Potential of GLP-1 Receptor Agonists in Treating Substance Use Disorders | Work in Progress | Jimenez J Student | Monday | |
 | Opioid Use Disorder Medicaid Patient Profiles and Risk Factors Contributing to Non-Adherence to Monthly Injectable Buprenorphine: Retrospective Claims Analysis | Original Research | Thompson, Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Optimizing Management of Opioid-Induced Constipation at a Single Veterans Affairs Medical Center | Work in Progress | Frasure J Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Optimizing Medication Services for the Unhoused in a Street Psychiatry Clinic | Work in Progress | Ricketts Z Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Optimizing Pharmacotherapy for Suicidal Ideation: An Evaluation of Appropriate Initiation Strategies at a Large Non-Profit Hospital | Work in Progress | Saxena J Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Outcomes of a Pharmacist-Led Benzodiazepine Taper Clinic | Innovative Practices | Slaughter J Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Outcomes Related to Psychiatric Pharmacist Care of Patients with Mental Illness | Work in Progress | Mathys M Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Outpatient Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotic Clinic in a Safety Net Hospital | Work in Progress | Joshi N Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Patient and Environmental Factors Affecting Sublingual Buprenorphine Prescription Pick-up | Work in Progress | Morioka K Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Patient Characteristics Associated with Medication Selection for Acute Agitation in a Behavioral Health Emergency Department | Work in Progress | Mosley B Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Patients and Providers Satisfaction Surveys on Long-Acting Injection Antipsychotics | Therapeutic Case Report | Kim S Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Patients' Preferences Towards Antipsychotic Induced Weight Gain Management | Work in Progress | Bunten A Non-Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Patterns of Pharmacologic Treatment for the Inpatient Management of Acute Bipolar Depression | Work in Progress | Hopkinson C Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Perceptions of Psychiatric Care Amongst Formerly Incarcerated Individuals | Work in Progress | Abdelfattah N Student | Monday | |
 | Pharmacist-Led Education and Training of Health Care Practitioners to Administer Long-Acting Injectable Medications | Innovative Practices | Wilkoff H Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Pharmacist-led Implementation of Extended-release Buprenorphine in an Inpatient General Psychiatry Unit | Innovative Practices | Wang S Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Pharmacist-Led Psychotropic Stewardship Program to Assess Antipsychotic Polypharmacy | Innovative Practices | Harrison M Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Pharmacy-Led Medication Reconciliation at an Inpatient Behavioral Health Facility | Work in Progress | Cork M Student | Monday | |
 | Phenobarbital Versus Benzodiazepine for Alcohol Withdrawal in General Medicine Setting: Focus on Safety and Hospital Length of Stay | Work in Progress | Wingerter M Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Postoperative Buprenorphine Management in Patients Taking Buprenorphine Prior to Admission | Work in Progress | Haddock T Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Potential Inpatient Cost-Savings Using Subcutaneous Risperidone ER Versus Paliperidone Palmitate Based on Prescribing Trends of Oral Risperidone | Original Research | Hean A Pharmacist | Finalist | |
 | Prevalence of ADHD in People Who Use Methamphetamine | Work in Progress | Lee C Student | Monday | |
 | Provider Perspectives on Low-Dose Initiation Strategies for Buprenorphine | Original Research | Rolicheck K Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Psilocybin for Treatment Resistant Depression: Exploring Potential Mechanisms of Action and Addressing Unblinding in Randomized Control Trials | Original Research | Maroney M Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Psychedelic-Assisted Therapy for PTSD and Depression: a review of the literature | Original Research | Moreno M Student | Monday | |
 | Psychiatric Electives in United States Colleges of Pharmacy: A Narrative Review | Work in Progress | Wartman C Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Psychiatric Pharmacist consultation orders in a Pediatric Mental Health Institute | Innovative Practices | Bindseil I Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Psychiatric Pharmacist Impact on Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotic Utilization | Original Research | Pierce M Pharmacist | Finalist | |
 | Psycho-Oncology and the Use of Psychotropics for the Management of Chemobrain Symptoms: A Review of the Literature | Original Research | Henry D Student | Monday | |
 | Quality, Readability, Accessibility, and Understandability of Chat GPT-Generated Information for Alzheimer's Disease | Original Research | Coffman I Student | Monday | |
 | Quantifying Nonprescription Syringe Access in Oregon: A County-Level Perspective | Encore Presentation | McGinnis M Student | Monday | |
 | Recurrent Clozapine Induced Pneumonia | Therapeutic Case Report | Wartman C Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Reimplementation of a Pharmacist-Centered Contingency Management Service – Current Challenges and Expansions to the Program | Work in Progress | Driskell G Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Relationship Between Patient-specific Factors and Clozapine Prescribing During Psychiatric Hospitalization | Work in Progress | Swamy N Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Retrospective Review of Hospital Length of Stay in Patients Receiving As-Needed Olanzapine After Implementation of As Needed (PRN) Agitation Order Set | Work in Progress | Le A Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Retrospective Study of Neuropsychiatric Hospitalizations in Patients Receiving Montelukast vs. Loratadine for Allergic Rhinitis in a Veterans Affairs Population | Work in Progress | Mizusawa M Resident PGY2 | Finalist | |
 | Safety and Tolerability of Lumateperone 42 mg for the Adjunctive Treatment of Major Depressive Disorder: A Pooled Analysis of 2 Randomized Placebo-Controlled Trials | Encore Presentation | Yuan B Non-Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Serotonin Syndrome and Protracted Discontinuation Syndrome with Escitalopram in a CYP2C19 Poor Metabolizer – A case report | Therapeutic Case Report | Tran E Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Somatic Symptom Disorder: Role of the Pharmacist in Minimizing Polypharmacy | Therapeutic Case Report | Sweeney C Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Strengthening the Behavioral and Mental Health Workforce Through Pharmacy Education | Encore Presentation | English C Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Study Retention Rates in the Olanzapine/Samidorphan Phase 3 Clinical Program | Encore Presentation | Harris M Non-Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Sublingual Dexmedetomidine versus Standard of Care for Agitation within an Inpatient Psychiatric Facility | Original Research | DiGuglielmo F Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Substantial Long-Term Improvements With Valbenazine 40 mg in Adults with Tardive Dyskinesia | Encore Presentation | Ley C Non-Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Survey of Local Patterns of Fentanyl Exposure and Assessment of Harm Reduction Strategies | Original Research | Tenn K Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Systematic Review of Montelukast’s Potential for Drug Repurposing and Management of Neurodegenerative Disorders | Work in Progress | Leoniuk L Student | Monday | |
 | Texas Community Pharmacists’ Knowledge, Perceptions, and Practices Related to Dispensing Buprenorphine for Opioid Use Disorder: A Cross-Sectional Online Survey | Encore Presentation | Robinson D Student | Monday | |
 | The Association Between Mental Health Disorders and Allergic Reactions: A Multicenter Retrospective Analysis | Work in Progress | Chen K Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | The Effect of Subcutaneous Risperidone Long-Acting Injectable on 30-Day Readmission Rates in Adult and Adolescent Patients at a Safety-Net Psychiatric Hospital: a Retrospective Review | Work in Progress | Williams A Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | The Impact of a Modified Clozapine Titration Protocol on the Rates of Diagnosed Clozapine-Induced Myocarditis for Newly Initiated Patients Admitted to a Stand-Alone Psychiatric Hospital | Original Research | Trojan B Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | The Impact of Antipsychotics in the Treatment of Catatonia | Work in Progress | Karthan J Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | The impact of initiating pharmacotherapy for alcohol use disorder in the inpatient medical unit on hospital readmission rates for alcohol withdrawal at a Federal Health Care Center | Work in Progress | Walsh M Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | The Impact of Pharmacogenomic Testing on Antidepressant Therapy at a VA Medical Center | Original Research | Borchardt K Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | The Occurrence of Mental Health Diagnoses in GLP-1 Receptor Agonist Treated Patients | Work in Progress | Bye K Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | The Pharmacist's Role in Clozapine Initiation: Early Detection of Clozapine-Induced Myocarditis – A Case Report | Therapeutic Case Report | Salwan A Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | The Role of the Psychiatric Pharmacist in Shared Medical Appointments for Individuals with Bipolar Disorder | Innovative Practices | Catanzano S Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Therapeutic Use of Cannabidiol (CBD) in Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Comprehensive Review of Mechanisms of Action and Clinical Applications | Original Research | Maroney M Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Tirzepatide-The first and only prescription medicine for moderate-to-severe obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) in adults with obesity: A Scoping Review | Work in Progress | Prado R Student | Monday | |
 | Transitioning Patients to Longer Duration Long-Acting-Injectable Antipsychotics at a Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic | Innovative Practices | Crouch M Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Treatment Patterns and Healthcare Resource Utilization of Patients With Schizophrenia Prescribed Aripiprazole Lauroxil Versus Oral Aripiprazole: A Retrospective Claims-Based Study | Encore Presentation | Doane M Non-Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Use of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Receptor Agonists (GLP-1 RA) on Alcohol Use Disorder and Opioid Use Disorder Healthcare Related Outcomes | Work in Progress | LaFlamme S Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Use of Hypnotic Agents for Pediatric/Adolescent Patients in an Inpatient Behavioral Health Facility | Work in Progress | Pak K Resident PGY1 | Tuesday | |
 | Use of Vilazodone for the Treatment of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder | Work in Progress | Frederick T Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Utilizing Pharmacist Roles to Improve the Use of Medication Assisted Therapy for Alcohol Use Disorder on an Internal Medicine Floor at a VA Institution | Work in Progress | Salinas V Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Utilizing Pharmacogenomic Testing Among Primary Care Providers to Guide Initial Antidepressant Therapy Selection | Work in Progress | Harpel J Resident PGY2 | Tuesday | |
 | Utilizing Vaccine Outreach to Assess Day Center Client Mental Health: A Single-Center, Prospective Study | Work in Progress | Brotze M Student | Monday | |
 | Viloxazine Extended-release Capsules Meaningfully Improved Executive Function in Adult ADHD: Post-Hoc Analyses of Phase III Double-Blind and Open-Label Extension Trials | Encore Presentation | Teter C Pharmacist | Monday | |
 | Weight loss was more common than weight gain in Adults treated with Viloxazine ER for Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in short and long-term phase 3 clinical trials | Encore Presentation | Formella A Pharmacist | Monday | |