Registration Options

2/24/2022 - 3/24/2022
Webinar Dates: 02/24/2022 1:00PM central, 03/03/2022 1:00PM central, 03/24/2022 1:00PM central

Target Audience

If you are a pharmacist working as a part of a mental health care team, we invite you to participate in this online course.

Session Summary

The COVID-19 pandemic greatly accelerated the global adoption of remote work and collaboration. Many professionals have embraced telehealth, and many academics are adjusting to virtual classrooms. However, there are other important types of remote work that also need attention. This workshop provides hands-on training in established techniques to plan and facilitate effective virtual meetings. The resulting skills can be applied to peer discussions, office planning meetings, project review meetings, and other types of professional and personal meetings. The 8-hour workshop spans 6 weeks.

From a Previous Attendee

"I found the workshop to be incredibly engaging and helpful. Facilitators used a lot of active learning, provided helpful examples, and practical assignments/exercises. Shortly after completing the training, I was able to incorporate multiple strategies into my leadership position within CPNP as Program Committee chair. Prior to our first large virtual committee meeting, I utilized the O.R.I.D. principals and facilitation guide we created to prepare for our first two 90 minute meetings. During the meetings I was able to incorporate several simple strategies (i.e., getting every voice in the room, encouraging chat, and effective breakout rooms) which greatly enhanced our productivity as well as the engagement of the entire group. Several other committee members had also completed the training which really contributed to the overall success as they were able to use their skills in small group settings."

- Austin Campbell, PharmD, BCPP, University of Missouri Health Care


Feb 9, 2022 Registration Closes
Feb 24, 2022 at 1PM Central Session 1: Effective Virtual Meeting Design (3h)
Mar 3, 2022 at 1PM Central Session 2: Effective Facilitation Techniques (2h)
Mar 24, 2022 at 1PM Central Session 3: Tips and Tricks for the Long Term (3h)

Session Learning Objectives

Session 1: Effective Virtual Meeting Design (3 hours of ACPE credit)

  1. Identify basic effective meeting design.
  2. Apply good meeting design to a virtual environment.
  3. Practice a variety of methods to make meetings interactive.
  4. Demonstrate the role of a facilitator in encouraging civil discussion.

Session 2: Effective Facilitation Techniques (2 hours of ACPE credit)

  1. Explain basic effective facilitation techniques including focused conversation method.
  2. Develop strategies to engage participants in the virtual environment.
  3. Apply good facilitation techniques in a virtual environment.

Session 3: Tips and Tricks for the Long Term (3 hours of ACPE credit)

  1. Choose which facilitation strategies are best suited for example meetings.
  2. Write discussion questions and meeting plans for sample meetings.
  3. Practice planning and facilitation techniques learned during sessions 1 and 2.
  4. Discuss the experience of facilitating and how the facilitation strategies can help all constituents engage in a discussion.
  5. Identify how the facilitation skills can be applied over the coming year in various settings.


Due to the nature of this workshop, registration is limited. You will be expected to:

  1. Pay a $200 registration fee for the workshop.
  2. Have access to a computer that supports Zoom and allows you to enable your webcam.
  3. Attend all 3 required training sessions (see timeline).

Course Requirements

  • Register for this workshop.
  • Attend the workshop virtual sessions.
  • Submit evaluation for session 1 within 2 weeks for credit.
  • Submit evaluation for session 2 within 2 weeks for credit.
  • Submit evaluation for session 3 within 2 weeks for credit.

This virtual workshop is provided online using Zoom and consists of multiple live sessions. Each participant needs access to a device with a webcam that supports Zoom. Successful completion and ACPE credit requires live attendance and the completion of a course evaluation.

Faculty Information

Colleen Svoboda, MPH
Kathleen Brandert, MPH

View biographical information

Continuing Education Credit and Disclosures

ACPEThe College of Psychiatric and Neurologic Pharmacists is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a provider of continuing pharmacy education. This course provides up to 8.0 contact hours of application-based continuing education credit from CPNP approved programming. The ACPE universal program numbers assigned to this course are:

Session 1: Effective Virtual Meeting Design (3.0 contact hours): 0284-0000-22-061-L04-P (Application)
Session 2: Effective Facilitation Techniques (2.0 contact hours): 0284-0000-22-062-L04-P (Application)
Session 3: Tips and Tricks for the Long Term (3.0 contact hour): 0284-0000-22-063-L04-P (Application)


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Grant Support

This activity is supported by an educational grant from the CPNP Foundation.