Fulton State Hospital, Fulton, MO
Last updated: 10/23/2024
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Greg Deardorff, Pharm.D., BCPP7 years as an RPD
Contact: Greg Deardorff
Fulton State Hospital
Pharmacy Department
600 East 5th Street
Fulton, MO 65251
Primary Practice: Acute and long-term forensic psychiatry
1 PGY2 Psychiatry position
Phone: (573) 592-3063
Fax: (573) 592-3070
Email: Greg.Deardorff@dmh.mo.gov
Maximum Number of Positions
- PGY1: 0
- PGY2 Psychiatry: 1
- PGY2 Neurology: 0
Program Details
- Primary Practice Site: State [institutional] facility
- ASHP Accreditation Status: Yes (code: 64031 )
- NMS Participant: Yes (code: 734866)
- Program Inception: 2016
- Application Deadline: 1/3/2025
- Starting Date: 7/1/2025
- Estimated Stipend: $59,000
- Financial Support for AAPP Annual Meeting: Full Support
- Fringe Benefits: Medical, dental, and vision insurance available; 2 weeks paid time off; sick leave accrual of 1.75 hours per pay period; $3,400 for education and travel reimbursement
- Interviews Required: Yes
- Offers pre-commitment: No
Special Requirements for Application
- PharmD
- Completion of PGY1 Residency OR equivalent experience
- Eligible for state licensure
- College transcripts
- Curriculum vitae
- Letters of recommendation (3)
- US Citizenship
PGY2 Rotations offered
- Administration
- Adult inpatient psychiatry
- Adult outpatient psychiatry
- Child and adolescent psychiatry
- Consultation liaison psychiatry
- Chronic, intermediate, or extended inpatient psychiatry
- Developmental disabilities
- Emergency psychiatry
- Forensic psychiatry
- Geriatric psychiatry
- Mental health court
- Pain management
- Psychopharmacology lab and PK
- Specialty clinic
- Substance abuse
- Other: Clozapine laboratory
PGY2 Features
- PGY2 Staffing Component: Yes, Optional
- PGY2 Teaching Component: Yes, Required
- PGY2 Teaching Certificate Program: No (or N/A)
- PGY2 Other Features: The resident will be required to give a minimum of two lectures to psychiatry residents at the University of Missouri Psychiatric Center. Other teaching opportunities, some of which are optional, include weekly psychopharmacology lectures and case discussions with psychiatry residents, nurse practitioners, psychology interns, physician assistant students, medical students, and pharmacy students. The hospital also has affiliations with several colleges of pharmacy which provide many opportunities to precept APPE pharmacy students.
- PGY2 Preceptors: 4 BCPPs, 4 Other Pharmacists, 0 Non-Pharmacists
Program Philosophy
To provide an effective learning environment that prepares the resident to enter clinical practice in a vast array of psychiatric practice areas and possess competencies that enable attainment of board certification. We hope the resident gains an understanding of the importance of developing and maintaining positive and healthy interpersonal relationships in the workplace.
Site Special Features
The residency program, in affiliation with the University of Missouri Psychiatric Center and Harry S. Truman VA hospital, provides experiences in forensic psychiatry, child and adolescent psychiatry, consultation-liaison and ambulatory psychiatry, long-term and acute inpatient psychiatry, outpatient, geriatrics, developmental disabilities, pain management, administration, and research.
The resident will serve on committees such as the Trauma-Informed Care Consultation Committee and Psychopharmacology Committee which act as a consultation service for difficult and complex patient care decisions. The hospital also has a Research Committee that the resident will attend on a weekly basis to discuss their residency project and other related activities.
Additionally, there is an opportunity for the resident to have a longitudinal learning experience that provides the necessary skills to implement a clozapine clinic and pharmacy managed laboratory that performs hematology monitoring for clozapine treated patients. This experience focuses on the clinical and operational aspects of managing a clozapine laboratory and clinic. Upon completion of this experience, the resident will meet the CLIA qualifications to serve as a director or technical consultant of a moderate complexity laboratory.