The Board appoints a Nominations and Awards Council to nominate candidates for vacating officer positions on the AAPP Board of Directors and for the Judith J. Saklad Memorial Award. The Nominations and Awards Council consists of the two most immediate past presidents and three senior members of AAPP as approved by the Board of Directors. (Meets: Virtually monthly between July-September, Time Commitment: 20-25 hours)

Charges to the Nominations and Awards Council

Review and evaluate AAPP’s current processes considering how quality and diverse candidates are identified and selected.
Evaluate and recommend edits to the candidate application to enable the gathering of information on candidate backgrounds, governance philosophies, and alignment with the strategic goals of AAPP.
Consider and evaluate possible candidates to make an invitation to the applicant phase of the Board selection process.
Evaluate and analyze candidate applications and make recommendations for the Board slate to be offered to the AAPP membership for a vote.
Consider and offer recommendations to the Board of Directors concerning how AAPP can identify and/or cultivate and grow future leaders of the organization.