Raymond C. Love, PharmD, BCPP, FASHP
Professor and Vice Chair
University of Maryland,
Baltimore, MD
Raymond C. Love is currently a Professor and Vice Chair at the University of Maryland (UM) School of Pharmacy. He also serves as Professor of Psychiatry, UM School of Medicine. Dr. Love received his doctor of pharmacy degree in 1977 from the University of Maryland and went on to serve as the first director of the Cumberland Area Health Education Center. He established the first psychiatric clinical pharmacy services in the state of Maryland at the Allegany County Health Department and was the founding director of pharmacy at the Thomas B. Finan Center in Cumberland. In 1985, he established the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy Mental Health Program in order to bring the services he piloted in western Maryland to citizens throughout the state. This program employs over 30 pharmacists and has graduated over 37 residents. Dr. Love has been the recipient of more than $150 million in grants and contracts from federal agencies, state government and the pharmaceutical industry.
Dr. Love has been an active participant in organized psychiatric pharmacy since its inception. He was present at the founding of CPNP and is a founding member. He served as vice-chair of the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists chaired Specialty Practice Group on Psychopharmacy, chaired two of the task forces responsible for assembling the petition to the Board of Pharmaceutical Specialties (BPS) for the recognition of psychiatric pharmacy practice as a specialty and served on the first BPS Specialty Council for Psychiatric Pharmacy Practice. Dr. Love also chaired the Pharmacy Quality Alliance Mental Health Workgroup, the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors Workgroup on Clozapine Access and currently serves on the United States Pharmacopeia Expert Committee on Healthcare Safety and Quality and Drug Allergies and Intolerances Expert Panel . He has served CPNP as a committee chair, committee member, task force member and Relationship Management Group chair. Led by CPNP, he coordinated seven professional, advocacy and governmental groups in addressing the challenges posed by the 2021revision to the Clozapine REMS Program. Dr. Love is the 2010 recipient of the CPNP Saklad Award.