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Webinar Date: 09/13/2017 12:00PM central
Activity Dates: 09/13/2017 - 06/30/2023

Session Summary

The Research Community is hosting a discussion/open forum for PGY2 Psychiatric Pharmacy Residents on the topic of residency projects. This webinar is intended only for PGY2 Psychiatric Pharmacy Residents to gain feedback on their residency project. Residency Program Directors may also be interested in attending. The committee members of the Research Community will be on the call to provide feedback to residents regarding their residency research project idea and methodology.  Residents are encouraged to provide a summary (<5 minutes) of their residency project idea and/or methodology on the call so Committee members can provide helpful feedback. Residents are also encouraged to ask questions.

Residents should email Leigh Anne Nelson at by 9/8/17 if you plan to present your project.

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