Minneapolis VA Health Care System, Minneapolis, MN
Last updated: 10/05/2023
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Jacob Held, PharmD, BCPP2 years as an RPD
1 Veterans Drive
Pharmacy Department (119)
Minneapolis, MN 55417
Primary Practice: Minneapolis VA Health Care System--Inpatient Psychiatry
6 PGY1 position
1 PGY2 Psychiatry position
Email: jacob.held@va.gov
Maximum Number of Positions
- PGY1: 6
- PGY2 Psychiatry: 1
- PGY2 Neurology: 0
Program Details
- Primary Practice Site: VAMC
- PGY2 Required Practice Settings: 33% Inpatient / 67% Outpatient
- ASHP Accreditation Status: Yes (code: 63025)
- NMS Participant: Yes (code: 690666)
- Program Inception: 2013
- Application Deadline: 1/2/2024
- Starting Date: 7/1/2024
- Estimated Stipend: $54,731
- Financial Support for AAPP Annual Meeting: Varies/TBD
- Fringe Benefits: unknown
- Interviews Required: Yes
- Offers pre-commitment: Yes, Pre-Commitment opportunity is offered first to our PGY1 resident
Special Requirements for Application
- PharmD
- Completion of PGY1 Residency OR equivalent experience
- Eligible for state licensure
- College transcripts
- Curriculum vitae
- Letters of recommendation (3)
- US Citizenship
PGY2 Rotations offered
- Administration
- Adult inpatient psychiatry
- Consultation liaison psychiatry
- Emergency psychiatry
- Substance abuse
- Other: Partial Hospitalization Program
PGY2 Features
- PGY2 Staffing Component: No (or N/A)
- PGY2 Teaching Component: Yes, Optional
- PGY2 Teaching Certificate Program: Yes, Optional
- PGY2 Other Features:
- PGY2 Preceptors: 9 BCPPs, 1 Other Pharmacists, 3 Non-Pharmacists
PGY1 Elective Rotations offered
Program Philosophy
This residency program aims to train pharmacists to provide pharmaceutical care, participate as a member of the health care team, and provide education of patients, health professionals and themselves. In addition, residents will learn to perform self-monitoring and demonstrate leadership through contributions to performance improvement. Residents will be encouraged to develop an approach to the profession that can lead to life-long learning and career satisfaction. The program will provide the learning environment, instruction, mentoring, and evaluation necessary to prepare pharmacists to work independently in a psychiatric patient care setting and to sit for BCPP certification upon graduation. We are also committed to giving our residents the skills to effectively precept and mentor pharmacy students, residents, and learners from other disciplines.