Madison, WI VA (William S. Middleton) , Madison, WI
Last updated: 12/16/2024
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Theresa Frey, PharmD, BCPP8 years as an RPD
Mail code 116A
2500 Overlook Terrace
Madison, WI 53705
Primary Practice: Substance Use Disorders/Harm Reduction
3 PGY1 position
3 PGY2 Psychiatry position
Phone: 608-256-1801X17084
Fax: 608-250-7204
Email: theresa.frey@va.gov
Maximum Number of Positions
- PGY1: 3
- PGY2 Psychiatry: 3
- PGY2 Neurology: 0
Program Details
- Primary Practice Site: VAMC
- PGY2 Required Practice Settings: 33% Inpatient / 67% Outpatient
- ASHP Accreditation Status: Yes (code: 45005)
- NMS Participant: Yes (code: 627266)
- Program Inception: 2009
- Application Deadline: See ASHP Residency Website (1/3/2025)
- Starting Date: June 30, 2025
- Estimated Stipend: $51,974
- Financial Support for AAPP Annual Meeting: Partial Support
- Fringe Benefits: Health insurance, 13 paid days of vacation, 13 sick days, 11 federal holidays, paid attendance at applicable professional meetings with travel allowance as funding permits.
- Interviews Required: Yes
- Offers pre-commitment: Yes, We offer early commitment to qualified same site PGY1 residents or any VA PGY1 resident through VANEC process
Special Requirements for Application
- Completion of PGY1 Residency OR equivalent experience
- College transcripts
- Curriculum vitae
- Letters of recommendation (3)
- US Citizenship
PGY2 Rotations offered
- Administration
- Adult inpatient psychiatry
- Adult outpatient psychiatry
- Geriatric psychiatry
- Neurology
- Pain management
- Substance abuse
PGY2 Features
- PGY2 Staffing Component: Yes, Optional
- PGY2 Teaching Component: Yes, Optional
- PGY2 Teaching Certificate Program: Yes, Optional
- PGY2 Other Features: The primary purpose of this second year residency program is to provide training to become a psychiatric clinical pharmacist practitioner. Our site is uniquely qualified to prepare residents for advanced practice roles in psychiatric pharmacy and BCPP certification. The William S. Middleton Memorial Veterans hospital has a rich history of advanced pharmacy practice and has offered pharmacy residency programs for more than 30 years. This Psychiatric Specialty Residency has been accredited by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists since 2009 and was expanded to include 3 PGY2 residents in 2013.
Multiple psychiatric clinical pharmacists, psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers serve as preceptors at this site. These excellent interdisciplinary preceptors are a program strength. Residents encounter a variety of experiences to prepare them for clinical practice as psychiatric pharmacists. Residents will develop clinical skills in the areas of Integrated Care (IC or PCMHI), Outpatient Mental Health, Inpatient Mental Health, and Substance Use Disorders while treating the veteran population. Residents provide patient care as members of interdisciplinary teams. They assume responsibility for the care of patients and take an active, direct role in patient care. In addition, they write progress notes for patients they assess and are granted prescribing authority via scope of practice agreement. Residents also have privileges to order laboratory and other diagnostic tests, consult other services when indicated, and develop therapeutic and monitoring plans for patient follow-up.
Additionally, residents participate in an Interprofessional Education Program with PGY1 pharmacy residents and psychology interns where they are exposed to a variety of interactive clinical topics, as well as motivational interviewing skills. This residency is affiliated with the University of Wisconsin Madison School of Pharmacy, where residents also serve as clinical instructors in the Pharmacotherapy Lab. Residents have the opportunity to participate in a teaching certificate program offered through the school.
- PGY2 Preceptors: 7 BCPPs, 7 Other Pharmacists, 10 Non-Pharmacists
PGY1 Elective Rotations offered
PGY1 Special Features
Our site offers PGY1 residencies in ambulatory care and general practice. Residents work with PGY1 program director to customize their elective schedules which can include extended psychiatric experiences, epilepsy clinic, pain clinic, and substance use disorders clinics. All PGY1 residents on-site participate in the interdisciplinary training program and integrated care experiences.
Program Philosophy
To offer diverse training experiences which prepare residents to practice at the top of their license in caring for veterans with psychiatric and neurologic conditions. We value interdisciplinary learning, teamwork, diversity, and whole-health. We believe in providing core experiences while also tailoring the learning program to residents’ interests.
Site Special Features
The multi-facility Pharmacy Department is an innovative leader within VHA in the development of progressive operational, clinical, and educational services. In addition to integrating enhanced automation, the pharmacy team (which consists of over 170 team members) was the first VHA facility to create a residency program in direct medication therapy management – and is one of the most progressive VHA pharmacy services.