Ralph H Johnson VA Medical Center, Charleston, SC
Last updated: 11/17/2022
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Callie Lavinghousez1 years as an RPD
109 Bee Street 119
Charleston, SC 29401
Primary Practice: Hospital
1 PGY2 Psychiatry position
Email: calleen.lavinghousez@va.gov
Maximum Number of Positions
- PGY1: 0
- PGY2 Psychiatry: 1
- PGY2 Neurology: 0
Program Details
- Primary Practice Site: VAMC
- PGY2 Required Practice Settings: 40% Inpatient / 60% Outpatient
- ASHP Accreditation Status: Yes
- NMS Participant: Yes
- Program Inception: 2017
- Application Deadline: 12/31/2022
- Starting Date: 07/02/2023
- Estimated Stipend: 45,318
- Financial Support for AAPP Annual Meeting: Full Support
- Fringe Benefits: All government holidays off and paid, full benefits available
- Interviews Required: Yes
- Offers pre-commitment: Yes, Early commitment available for PGY1s at the Ralph H Johnson VAMC
Special Requirements for Application
- PharmD
- Completion of PGY1 Residency OR equivalent experience
- Curriculum vitae
- Letters of recommendation (3)
- US Citizenship
PGY2 Rotations offered
- Adult inpatient psychiatry
- Adult outpatient psychiatry
- Consultation liaison psychiatry
- Chronic, intermediate, or extended inpatient psychiatry
- Geriatric psychiatry
- Neurology
- Pain management
- Psychopharmacology lab and PK
- Specialty clinic
- Other: Homeless Patient Care Teams
PGY2 Features
- PGY2 Staffing Component: Yes, Required
- PGY2 Teaching Component: Yes, Required
- PGY2 Teaching Certificate Program: Yes, Optional
- PGY2 Other Features: Teaching certificate offered
Opportunity to work with PharmD students and other residents
Opportunity to present didactic lecture at local College of Pharmacy
- PGY2 Preceptors: 6 BCPPs, 2 Other Pharmacists, 2 Non-Pharmacists
Site Special Features
Residency practice site is at the VA.