The Resident and New Practitioner Committee is responsible for representing and providing service to residents, fellows, new practitioners and residency directors with the goal to increase the visibility of the profession, recruit students into residencies, and provide membership value to residents, fellows, residency directors and new practitioners. Services include development of AAPP's web-based treatment essentials and guidelines tools, What I Wish I Knew columns, and development of educational and networking opportunities. (Meets: Virtually 1-hour monthly and in-person at Annual Meeting, Time Commitment: Average of 2-3 hours per month or 25-30 hours approximately over course of the year)
1. RPD Survey and Residency Directory
a. Conduct and report on the residency program director survey to be conducted every 2 years (next administration is summer/fall 2024)
b. Recommend edits to the AAPP Residency Directory completed by RPDs and maintained by staff
2. Networking/Information Exchange
a. Recommend and develop community educational/informational events for residents through such opportunities as Communities Week and Idea Exchanges at AAPP Annual Meeting (application process required)
3. Promoting the Profession/Career
a. Identify topics/goals, contact authors, and proof 4 to 5 articles to be included in a resident and NP themed newsletter edition in January
b. Update the residency infographic after RPD survey data is available (even years)
4. Resources
a. Produce 4 to 6 What I Wish I Knew (WIWK) Columns following guidelines
b. Review the New Practitioner Hub and Provide Updates for Staff to Complete
c. Update and edit the Pharmacy Essentials and Treatment Guidelines documents. Use committee members to author and either fellow committee members to peer review or work with staff to identify an external source
d. Review the career pages as requested by staff (specific instructions provided)
e. Review and update the suggested reading list at every two years (next review is spring 2026)
5. Membership
a. Respond to potential requests from Awards TF to provide input into or make recommendations regarding awards targeted to new practitioners
b. Research what resident and new practitioner members expect and need from AAPP to maintain membership, contribute to AAPP as volunteers, and to grow as leaders in the association and the profession